That is correct. It would need a lot of change in the US. But I can say in Europe it works pretty well.
Mixed Zoning and less suburbs are just two of the changes that would make a lot of lifes a lot better!
Then be against surveillance in general… Its also a big problem. Not only a problem of 15 Minute cities. Cameras can also track your car quite easliy. Through the whole city.
All I need is less than 10 minutes away and I rarely need to go further for anything. And I love it. Not car dependend and no surveillance here.
Ah kam mir ja doch sehr bekannt vor! War zwar schon lange nicht mehr da… Aber irgendwie hats geklingelt (:
Ah probably germany, even at night. No cars driving, waiting at a red light.
Yeah you are right, its my first time being moderator for such a big community. I just wan’t to make the thought process behind my/our decisions more clear for everyone and I think that would not hurt. But thanks for your feedback! I really appreciate it
I fully agree on what you say!
The job possibility part is exactly what may benefit me soon, I applied for a job at DB because I wanted to do something that benefits the public transport system.
Of course, I am pretty happy that at least one person had some questions so far. Its in our all interest to make such questions a community thing (:
As you say, it is nearly impossible to write things, so that no one feels attacked by it. The goal is just to make obvious attacks against specific people against the rules. If someone feels attacked by unbiased facts, then its his problem. Because it would make it nearly impossible to make any discussions. So I would say we act by the unbiased fact.
Okay I will try to give a bit more insight and it seems that we should add some explanations to the rules.
Thank you very much for your input and I hope I could make my thought process a bit clearer
Yes I don’t know you thats true, just your style of discussion kinda reminded me of my own self a few years ago. I did not wan’t to attack you with my comment. Sorry if that is what you have read.
To be clear, I understand you point but the way I have read it was that you are calling people out that really have no other option. And that is the sad truth.
I am sorry that you think you need to leave the community. Maybe I can give a bit of insight what is happening currently.
I am also not okay with how some people are not able to make a discussion without calling names. I myself have written something that can be missunderstood and that after I read it must say that It really came wrongly.
We currently are working on some more specific rules to make it easier for us to decide what to delete and what not. Sometimes the comments are just so much that we simply don’t have the time to read them all. So feel free to use the report button then, so we can have a closer look on the content that is not okay.
I want this community to be open to discussion and that people can have different opinions and that we are all able to discuss it. I feel sorry for OP too because its not okay what some people did write here.
Yes I understand that this is a heated topic, but I wan’t to remind all to be please stay civiliced and friendly! Think about what you are writing and that its not against people. Remember the rules of this instance. I just wan’t to remind you all that we have the same goal in common.
Okay what exactly do you wan’t him to do? Thats what I want to know. I mean he is doing quite good in seeing the issues and he also wants some change. Probably not as much as some of us, thats hard to say because I dont know him. So as long as people are not against that change we can first treat them maybe as allies?
You seem to see the world in black and white. And I think that is hurting you somewhat. I was the same a few years earlier but I realized that the world is way to complex to make it that easy.
So then be the change, bring in ideas! Thats also happening here. I would like to see it happening more
I don’t know where you live. I live in Germany and know some people that are dependend on Cars and do not like it at all. Mostly outside of cities its just not possible to get to work without a car. If they would have alternatives they would switch. So as I said, we should be open to people and show them why it hurts also them and not just scream fuck cars only. We should rally for a better public transporting infrastructure and why it is also good for people that currently depend on cars.
And we are asking quite a lot how we can change things so we don’t need them anymore. So for now, fuck all cars that are not needed. And fuck the politicians that they don’t give the people alternatives. Fuck everything that makes cars more dependend in Daily live.
And we should also celebrate all changes that all changes to car centric infrastructure. Its still a long way, but I think just saying everone should just get off their job and not use cars anymore is not the best way…
Just because I am able to live without one currently. It does not mean that everyone is able. I am not saying fuck all cars, just that we need to get them off our planet pretty soon for the benefit of all people. So currently for me Fuck Cars is just Fuck all Cars that are useless and not needed! Some people need cars and probably don’t like it too! For me personally this communtiy is to rant about cars and why they suck for us all. Giving ideas for better world without cars and showing people that love cars that there are good reasons to hate them too.
I understand what you see, seems bad for you but thats currently how the world is. A bit fucked up. But we all try to change it to a better place and I think that is great and why I love communities like this one (:
The delays and cancellations were already a big problem of the network. But its still a good thing that we now have such a thing like the Deutschland Ticket. It gives people that did not have the money the possibility to travel again and when the Goverment sees that Rail gets used much. There is hope that they will invest more in it
The Bodensee one is getting electrified soon!
Website in german
Oh free sounds even better, I think the city is just a bit scared that it could end up in the rhine
I see them pretty often, more often I see the rentable normal bikes tho (:
Same here, every time I was driving train at night in germany. I rarely was in a sleeper train and if I was. Only in the normal seating compartments. They are just way to expensive. I sometimes look for fun what a flight would cost. And mostly its more than the half…
And don’t get me started with train driving to other European countries