Did it make you happy?
I’m the king. Of jalopies.
Did it make you happy?
Plus that dude annoying af
Oh shit! I forgot to put my dick back up when that stopped. That explains a lot.
They can prolly do some data transfer but won’t make Android Auto work. I wish our trucks had wireless. Surprised they didn’t honestly, they’re all 2024 Mavericks. I need to get another wireless dongle thingy.
I know some of those magnetic cables can do it but they’re much pricier than the ones I got for my kid.
If you don’t care about fast charge or data transfer they really are. Here’s a link to the ones I bought
Highly recommend if you wear out cables. I’m guilty as well but I use Android Auto for work everyday so these do me no good but help my daughter immensely.
Those are the shit
I bought my kid the magnetic kind where the but stays in your phone and the cable magnetically connects to it and it also rotates and whatnot. Doesn’t charge fast but it’s hella capable of her shit. Last phone port failed because she ripped the cord out all the time but now the important but just stays in the phone.
Ironic coming from a site that expects me to pay to read that
Nice Cockbra
Adderall. When my wife shares one of hers with me because I have a long grueling day. It helps the day but ruins any chance of sleep that night.
I did that once. We were tripping balls for weeks.
Highly recommend.
Especially the cyclists. Where I live we have dedicated bike lanes on every street everywhere but they always ignore stop signs, lights, etc… and it drives me mad when I have to proactively not kill them.
Well played… Maybe
I downvoted you. Rooting for you buddy
Got updated about 12 hours ago. I was watching shit last night then it broke when I woke up I had the update. Those people are machines.
Newpipe “just works” I love it.
When it works at least.
Kids these days. When I was a young man the Internet had millions of graphics and flashing neon images on every single webpage. And we were grateful to wait 5 minutes for that seizure inducing minefield of constant scams and viruses. In fact, you weren’t leet if you didn’t have at least 12 browser add-on search bars, all of which were constantly consuming your data!
We walked so they could run I guess… Well, run Linux anyhow.
Hard agree. Lonely but not depressed? Sure. But if you can’t even leave the house or whatever you aren’t even responsible for yourself. I’ve seen it turn people around but they had support.
Too on the nose.