When you’re dealing with these people, just remember this.
When you’re dealing with these people, just remember this.
Ok Trumper
Ok Trumper.
I have no interest in playing chess with a pigeon.
MAGA has a fucking hardon for cruelty unless it’s directed at white men.
MAGA wants trans men in the women’s washrooms and trans women in the men’s washrooms. Give them what they want.
Ok Trumper
Ok Trumper.
Thank God he setup a prison camp to hold all the Trumpists and billionaires while they are waiting to be guillotined. That’s going to come in handy.
We didn’t misunderstand. The convicted felon, serial sexual abuser, adjudicated rapist, serial business failure, pathological liar, lifelong con man isn’t king of Canada. He can roll his executive order into a tight little roll and solve it way up his saggy orange ass. Fuck Trump and fuck everyone who was dumb enough, racist enough, or hateful enough to vote for him against their own self interest and the future interests of their children.
Has Elon Musk tried not being a fascist plutocrat?
Yes. The video is an example of how hockey fans generally react to the national anthem of their rivals. Booing the national anthem is not done. It shows the extreme contrast between the respect that fans normally give and the atypical reaction of the fans following the ridiculous and self-destructive Trump tariffs.
Sorry you missed that.
MAGA has such a hardon for hurting people.
MAGA is all about hurting people. MAGA voters voted to turn the country over to the billionaires because they said that they were going to hurt brown people, women, LGBTQ, etc. They would allow the country to be bankrupted as long as people get hurt in the process.
He’s draining the reservoirs to starve California of water.
Oh so this is just layperson’s math on the back of a napkin. Thanks for clarifying.
Yes, I dumbed it down for the MAGA crowd and pedants on Lemmy.
Yes. See the link in the original post that includes a Canadian hockey audience finishing the US national anthem when the PA system went out.
Hockey fans booing another team’s anthem is not done.
Google is your friend.
Here are some numbers to consider.
The US sold $441 billion worth of goods and services to Canada in 2024.
Canada sold $482 billion worth of goods and services to the US in 2024.
The US has a populating of 334.9 million people.
Canada has a population of 40.1 million people.
Per capita, every American man, woman, and child spent $1,316.81 on Canadian goods and services.
Candians spent $12,019. 95 on American good and services.
Who isn’t pulling their weight in this trading relationship?
This isn’t about illegal immigration and it isn’t about the 20 lbs of fentanyl that tried to cross the border from Canada.
This is about the billionaire class raising taxes on the poor and raising prices for Americans.
I wonder if this recent Redditfugee realizes that blocking on Lemmy doesn’t work the same way it does on Reddit? By blocking everyone he thinks is a “moron” he is taking himself out of the conversation, not them. Now we can talk about him all we want and he’ll never know. Of course he may just be trying to wrap himself in a comfort blanket of blocks to protect his fee fees.