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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • The current extremist government in Israel knows exactly what they need to do to stop Hamas and Hezbollah from continuing to attack Israel, they just don’t want to. They’d rather continue to create the conditions for extremism so that these attacks can be used as justification to finish their genocide.

    At this point we know that if you keep an entire group of people poor and oppressed with no prospect of economic opportunity or achieving a viable state, they become easier to recruit into a terrorist group. What have they got left to lose? Why NOT grab a rocket and attack your oppressors? This is why international law doesn’t allow the creation of stateless persons…

    Israel could STOP settlement expansion into the West Bank, first and foremost. They could start complying with international law and internationally recognized borders. They could stop working AGAINST a two state solution.

    Maybe the Israelis could stop assassinating their own leaders when they work towards peaceful solutions. They could also stop radicalizing their own youth and defense forces to believe that the only solution is to exterminate the Palestinians.

    There is a whole range of things that they could do… I wonder why they don’t?

  • I think the stated position is that it’s tough to legislate a line there because it should be a decision that is made between the woman and her doctor.

    It might be possible to have legislation that draws a reasonable line while still largely recognizing a woman’s right to choose… The problem is trust. We’ve seen that conservatives have repeatedly tried to use this line as a way to effectively ban abortions. For example, by setting a ban on abortions after 6 weeks, they effectively ban abortion because a woman might not even know they are pregnant by that time.

    It’s the same thing with Voter ID. We’ve seen Republicans attempt to use that as a tool for voter suppression, even claiming in public to their supporters that Voter ID would swing the election to the Republican. Does anyone actually support the right of undocumented immigrants to vote? Of course not. We know it’s a bad faith position because if they really wanted to prevent undocumented immigrants from voting, they could just implement automatic voter registration and send people a free Voter ID. They won’t do that because their goal is voter suppression.

    Unfortunately this works the same with gun laws, conservatives are suspicious of any gun regulations, even the sensible ones that have majority support, because they’ve been told that Democrats want to take their guns and every regulation is a step down the slippery slope that ends with the feds going door-to-door to take their guns. So they don’t want any line to be drawn.

  • I find that they have a lot of mistaken assumptions that are just lies repeated by Fox News. Sometimes they don’t even watch Fox, they’re just surrounded by people that do.

    I like to focus on the economic issues, since there is hard math for the economy and I find it’s not productive to argue with someone who is terrified that a trans person might be in the same bathroom as their child. I find these people literally start foaming at the mouth over that stuff and I just don’t have the right math or words to cut through the rabies.

    For example. I’ve heard Republican voters say that Republicans are better for the economy and reducing the national debt. Ask them which Republican presidents have left office with a reduced deficit?

    Ask them if they know how much it added to the national debt when Reagan, Bush, and Trump passed tax cuts primarily for the rich and corporations.

    Let them know that you’re also concerned about the economy and the deficits, and show them a chart of federal spending and ask them whether they want to cut Social Security, Medicare, or defense spending to pay for more tax cuts for the rich and corporations.

    Then ask them why DON’T the Republicans cut ANY of those things to pay for their tax cuts? Why do those deficits just get passed on to the next Democrat and blamed on them? How are Republicans going to reduce the deficit when it’s not politically feasible with their base to cut ANY of those three things?

    When it comes to immigration, ask them why they think immigrants are trying to get here in the first place. Show them Smedley Butler and talk about the war on drugs and ask them if they think the US is partially to blame for the violence in other countries that people are trying to escape from.

    Also, show them the Maddox comic where he depicts immigrants “stealing our jobs”. Ask them who is hiring these illegal immigrants and why? Ask them who the managers and owners of those companies vote for and why those people might have an incentive to preserve the “illegal” status of those employees.