How many millions of that 27 million were shot by their own commissar for retreating, or from being used as cannon fodder in mass human wave attacks, where the hope was the Germans would run out of ammo?
How many millions of that 27 million were shot by their own commissar for retreating, or from being used as cannon fodder in mass human wave attacks, where the hope was the Germans would run out of ammo?
But fElon doesn’t have a heart
If you don’t like being here, you can leave and take your 2 week old account with you.
Will continue to post as long as komrade orders him too, and gives him some rubles. Or maybe stolichnaya.
Punch it, before grandad sees and wonders why the fuck he lost so many friends fighting the fucken nazi’s, only for them to take over his country.
Eat the rich by Motorhead!
If only MLK day was set on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November.
What better day for people to have off to celebrate. Oh and every 4 years they would be off work so they can vote too!
I wondering if he did it to win a bet: “Hey man, we already get away with some fucken outlandish shit, and people ate that up. I bet you that you can’t get away with throwing out a nazi salute on live tv”
fElon: hold my K…
Yeah, just needed cooperation from some Republicans to make that happen through the house and senate.
Rule 1 - whatever we decide it is at that moment
Or, heaven forbid, talk to people in the real world.
Hmmmm lead based paint…
Middle finger to the US or Chinese government?
Triggered much?
I would take the 3 B number with a pinch of salt. Its 3 B accounts, not unique individuals.
At one point last decade I had 11 seperate Facebook accounts, used for various purposes. They’re all deleted now, but my behaviour is not unique. There will be many, many people running multiple accounts, and don’t forget bots
By this logic, everyone charged (not convicted, just charged) should have their accounts and submissions changed in the same manner as Luigi’s.
He’s not a person, he’s a parasite.
If you’re already buying a plant, add the leaf / trimming into the soil of the plant you’re buying. It helps obfuscate it from staff.
So I have been told…
The stick of truth!
There is so much shit because its absolutely pouring out of his weird mouth