It’s very scary indeed, and add to that the “new” policy of “fuck the planet, let’s pollute” by one of the most polluting nations in the world.
It’s very scary indeed, and add to that the “new” policy of “fuck the planet, let’s pollute” by one of the most polluting nations in the world.
“It’s good to be proud of German culture, German values, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything,” Musk said.
They want Germany out of EU to fracture the block. Then, when Europe is fragmented and weak they can provide ( sell )“the solution” again.
Yes! We need a better interface between them
I don’t even have X, but everywhere I go there’s an Elon’s tweet
These non-stick pans are usually cheaper then stainless steel and cast iron, so people with lower income are more prone to buy it. Consequently, considering that low education is associated with poverty, poor people are buying more of this type of pans and not using it “properly” so getting exposed to possibly more harm and not knowing about it.
Also, " just discard the pan if flocking occurs", is everything that this industry wants: you’ll continue in an indefinitely loop of trowing away pans and buying new ones for the maximization of their profits. Thus is expected that flocking will occur more soon than ever.
I know, why? But looks cool though
That’s a great point you made. As the fediverse grows it will become much more harder to control… The good thing is that the suggestion algorithm of Mastodon is more based in the community you build by following others
I agree completely. That’s the purpose of urbanism that we have privatized: now the social interactions happen in the shopping mall or in the online shopping mall ( social media). These places are made to stimulate over consumption and to dry out any cultural movement or community identification; it’s an sterilization of thought. In this way the same model can be replicated worldwide to maximize profits
Zuckerberg going full nazi… That’s one of the many reasons we can’t have Mastodon and Threads in federation
I don’t have any idea, but hey - cool project!
I know but I see it as the special part. In this way we can communicate not about ourselves, but about common interests. Stuff like ticktock and Instagram are too focused on constructing an idealized “you”
I get it, but each instance could have a community called “chat” or something, and people could talk about a specific topic. It’s not a proper conversation but it’s something… I know that we already do that, in some sense, but it’s always more directed to commenting a news article, or a meme.
Recently I saw that some people gathered to read Das Capital, and they had scheduled each week to talk about a specific part of the book. That’s something awesome and a great way to learn.
I don’t feel that people really talk with each other here on Lemmy, what’s your opinion? It seems that we just share preconceived opinions and that’s it.
These days, it feels like every gathering place on the internet is so crowded with content that’s competing for — and successfully grabbing — our attention or trying to sell us something that there’s barely any room for the “social” element of social media. Instead, we’re pushed into separate corners to stare at the glowing boxes in our hands alone
She’s right. Always.
Cool, thank you!
I see various people commenting that while this guy paid 6.2M USD on a single banana, a lot of us are struggling to make ends meet. That’s exactly the point. Capitalism makes us miserable to afford behaviors like this everyday. I think the artist of this work ( not the idiot that bought the banana) is showing us very clearly how we’re being explored.
You could also understand the image as a difference of social classes, as described by Karl Marx. The thing is that capitalist of today gathered so much power that the balance of dependency in our society is totally broken: capital doesn’t need workers anymore. At least not in the classical sense, as it was with the factory worker.
Thus this image depicts the abandonment of a free and upper class from the struggling local worker.