Jupiter Ascending is, in my opinion, a masterpiece. Bees can sense royalty? Fantastic. The bureaucracy android having to bribe his way through the system he was literally created to navigate? Marvelous. Don’t even get me started on the air roller skates. Eddie Redmayne’s four million year old teenager was perfection too. Two volume levels: harsh whisper or screaming.
It was marketed as some kind of amazing epic, so people approached it wrong I think. It was a Wachowski film. What were they expecting? I went in there assuming it’d be like their Speed Racer movie, but in space. I was not disappointed.
I saw this years ago in a sci fi double feature at this big old cinema in my city, had Interstellar followed by Jupiter Ascending. I loved it, this very serious dry high concept hard sci fi followed by fuckin rocket boots!
My biggest issue with that movie was the complete lack of chemistry between Mila Kunis and that beefy guy who was her love interest. I found that painful to watch.
Jupiter Ascending is, in my opinion, a masterpiece. Bees can sense royalty? Fantastic. The bureaucracy android having to bribe his way through the system he was literally created to navigate? Marvelous. Don’t even get me started on the air roller skates. Eddie Redmayne’s four million year old teenager was perfection too. Two volume levels: harsh whisper or screaming.
It was marketed as some kind of amazing epic, so people approached it wrong I think. It was a Wachowski film. What were they expecting? I went in there assuming it’d be like their Speed Racer movie, but in space. I was not disappointed.
Second vote would be for Speed Racer, lol.
I saw this years ago in a sci fi double feature at this big old cinema in my city, had Interstellar followed by Jupiter Ascending. I loved it, this very serious dry high concept hard sci fi followed by fuckin rocket boots!
“Ninjas? More like ‘Non-Jas’. Shame what passes for a Ninja these days…”
And with that, John Goodman became my favorite, ever. :)
My biggest issue with that movie was the complete lack of chemistry between Mila Kunis and that beefy guy who was her love interest. I found that painful to watch.
Who was the beefy guy again, completely forgotten everything about the movie except for Mila Kunis’s face because I’ve seen her in more movies
Channing Tatum.
Lol about Jupiter ascending. I wanted so bad for that movie to be good just because mila kuntis. I cant call it a masterpiece.