Seriously. I’m asocial and depressed. Also, I like spending time with people and how they’re there for me when I need it, but I also have several mental illnesses and no empathy.

I’m not obligated to give you something back when you buy something for me. I want it, and you’re nice enough to get it for me. Why do I have to give you something back? I don’t know what you want. I can guess but I can’t really tune into other people that well.

And when people ask how I am, I just say “Fine”. Why do I have to ask how they are? They never told me to ask how they are, they asked how I was. Also, what’s so wrong with “Nothing/Nun” when they ask what I did? Genuinely, I didn’t do much, there’s nothing to talk about.

It also feels easier to talk to men because they don’t seem to compete with me or expect much from me, how can I fix that so I can talk to my own gender?

    15 days ago

    Social skills are not something you can “learn” by questioning things like this. You have to live more of your life among people.

    It’s like swimming - you can’t learn to swim no matter how much you study about it, read books or ask questions. You have to get into the water. And the first couple of times you’re in the water you’ll drown, tire out, may even feel frustrated or bad. But you’ll only be able to swim by going back in, over and over until you start floating. So it is with socializing with people.