I’ve spent more than 7 years in Mastodon, and in my experience, new users always come in with a Twitter mindset, then getting a cultural shock because they come to Mastodon expecting a Twitter experience and end up finding something strange and bizarre.

To soften the blow, I’d like to explain the cultural differences between Mastodon and Twitter.

What Twitter was:

  • You could follow microcelebrities (or “influencers”) to read interesting things
  • You didn’t reach people unless you got lots of likes quickly, so it became a popularity contest
  • The algorithm decides what you read and how you engage, even if it’s negative content or something bad for your mental health.
  • Toxic people drew others to quote posting, so it became a yelling competition. You didn’t build community, you built followers by standing on a platform and holding a megaphone.
  • Unpopular users just yell to the void.

What Mastodon is:

  • A bunch of communities of people with diverse interests and real lives.
  • Mastodon servers (instances) are careful of who they federate with. Some servers just moderate poorly and there are too many assholes.
  • There are microcelebrities, but they’re NOT looking to be popular. They just post the things they do; they’re popular because their lives / hobbies are interesting.
  • In Mastodon, you reach people who are actually interested in your stuff. You don’t need to game an algorithm. There is no algorithm, people ARE the algorithm.
  • If you don’t want to engage with someone, you can block and report. Unlike Twitter, Mastodon admins do take reports seriously (unless it’s one of the big instances; then good fucking luck). Reporting is encouraged on Mastodon, it keeps the community clean.
  • Because admins often maintain the server using their own money, it’s in their best interest that the community is healthy. (Unless they’re assholes, but their instances get blocked quickly)
  • There are no quote posts. You can paste a link to the other person’s post, but it is discouraged because we know where that leads.

Longer explanation:

Mastodon has an entirely different culture compared to Twitter. Mastodon was founded and populated by people who believed Twitter was too toxic and corporate-driven. Mastodon is full of gays, transgender folks, sex workers, artists, furries, autistic people, etc.

These people were driven out of the big platforms (Facebook, Twitter) by hate and discrimination. These people have experienced sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, body shaming, etc. in their lives. It follows that the majority of Mastodon is left-leaning, anti-conservative, communist and anti-corporate.

Furthermore: Because it started (or quickly became) as a sort of safe haven for queer folks, they were more open to sincere posting. They post their problems, the discrimination they’ve experienced; their body dysphoria; depression; homophobia; transphobia and racism. And they give each other support, even economic. In my timeline I see posts asking for emergency money more than once per day.

If you wonder why this doesn’t appear on Twitter, it’s because the Algorithm filters them out. The public, the customers don’t like hearing about people asking for money not to get evicted. They don’t like to hear how people were harassed the other day by some karen who believes they’re a man in disguise.

But Mastodon is different. People talk about their daily lives because they know their followers will receive 100% of their posts. This is how communities are built.

Mastodon is not, and never aimed to be a Twitter replacement. It was meant to be something different; a place where you could form communities and build connections without Big Brother examining you or deciding how you should behave online.

So the next time you look for “interesting people to follow”, it could be possible that you’re entering Mastodon with a Twitter mindset. No Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.

Start following people you think are interesting in YOUR instance. Then start seeing their boosts and follow people you think are cool. Little by little, expand your network, prune your follows and block / mute people you think are obnoxious, and keep building and shaping your network like a beautiful bonsai tree.

The time you invest on building a network from scratch is worth it: You will meet many interesting people, and you will meet new friends; real friends, not just a series of followers whom you have to entertain.

  • BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Admittedly the thing I miss most about Twitter was the sorting algorithm. Creating an interesting and engaging “experience” with Mastodon has been challenging, but I’m getting there and it helps as more people join.

    My advice to any new Mastodon users: spend maybe 10 mins at a time searching for good tags and users to follow. Give it a few days (maybe weeks) before you can expect to see a feed as rich as Twitters. Endlessly scrolling as a brand new user is very unproductive.

    • Rob T Firefly@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      The lack of a sorting algorithm is something I have always appreciated about Mastodon. I want old-school social media, where I get shown the stuff I follow and that’s it. The way to find more people to follow is organic and sensible:

      • You see the people you follow.
      • You see what’s going on at your own instance and can pick out and follow what you like. (Possibly less helpful on general-interest instances, more helpful on a themed instance where you know the locals have that basic interest in common.)
      • You browse and/or follow specific hashtags, and can pick out and follow what you like; there’s your specific interest-based discovery process.
      • You see stuff the people you follow boost and can follow it if you like, just like in real life where your friends introduce you to their other friends who can become your new friends.

      Any algorithm doing this work for you has also been tweaked to spoil the organic factor by prioritizing ads, forcing in entities who have paid to be put into your feed because the platform sold your eyeballs to the highest bidder, as well as forcing in flamebait selected to deliberately upset you and keep you arguing, which counts as “engagement.” Those have never been the reasons I used social media, I just want to build and maintain connections with real people like I always have both online and in real life. Mastodon and the Fediverse are built for that, while Twitter and Meta products are built against that.