I’m an American who has been living abroad for 20 years. I’m shocked, as I watch my home country being dismantled by oligarchs who sold US democracy. And I talk to other Americans and they’re just like “Oh, well, both sides, you know?”

Do y’all not realize what you’ve done? The US literally has no allies now, no rule of law, and no democracy. You’re living in an authoritarian dictatorship now, run by clowns.

How are so many Americans just going on with their lives like normal?

  • theangryseal@lemmy.world
    14 hours ago

    Buddy I tell ya hwhat. Yer gonna be so happy because we are gonna do bigly interesting things.

    We’re gonna build a big arena just for Trump rallies. We’re gonna find a princess to marry Prince Barron, who by the way is young enough that we’ll have the longest stable gubment in American history. King for 70 years bud.

    Joel Olsteen is gon’ build big ol churches in ever state. We ain’t worried about prayer in school no more. We’re bringing school to prayer. Christian academy gonna be the normal school. Ever kid in American is gonna learn about being good with Ace Virtueson, Racer and the gang. They’ll learn that fish are fish because god wanted it that way and how we ain’t monkeys. Real science will git done like how many babies can good girls have.

    I’m so tired.