The only real hoop you have to jump through is to go through the online training course which takes about 30 minutes and is all about administration of the drug

I received my package today and feel it’s important to have around with the current rise in opioid overdoses.

Their kit does not include CPR masks so I recommend purchasing some to keep with your doses. (Won’t share a link due to Amazon boycott)

I would’ve bought some ages ago if I lived in a bigger city.

    2 days ago

    Yes. At least keep some in your home where you know where it is. You never know when grandma might forget that she’s already taken her pain meds, or a kid drinks too much of the wrong cough syrup, or (and I mean this in the least judgemental way possible) a friend hides their habit from you. Or literally any of those things (or a million other possibilities) happens to your next door neighbor.