Make your favorite song your wake up alarm for a year or two to really program yourself.
Funky Town sounds tempting but it will be ruined as alarm.
Who doesn’t want to think about inhumanly brutal torture when they wake up in the morning
I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy
We learned about a study in Psych class where the researchers asked elementary school students what their favorite activity was. Drawing was the popular answer. So the researchers paid the kids $8/hr (even 6yo get better than Min wage) to draw. Then they would poll them again about their favorite activities. Guess what was on the bottom?
Someone doesn’t have ADHD 😂
IMHO it’s even worse with ADHD, just less immediate. There are songs and artists that were major favorites of mine at one point, that I just haven’t listened to in years cause I’m so fucking tired of them after listening to them 8h a day for 3 months straight. There also not a single job I didn’t get tired of after a year or two lol
Not a great example, unless you have a very repetitive job. You have described work in general but music as one song only. I can listen to music I like over and over again all day, and I can also (mostly) enjoy my job all the time.
Speak for yourself, the super Mario Brothers theme slaps for eternity.
SMB3 Bowser theme legit goes hard.
What does it say if you have your favorite job while listening to your favorite song and still love both?
Well personally, I think listening to Roxeanne whilst being plowed for a living is an irony in itself
I’ve been doing the same thing for almost 20 years and I still enjoy it…
I don’t know, man, do you really wanna taste it??
I mean, yes, but no?
My spotify stats every year disagree
I feel like I have to introduce a counter-example, this song has been absolutely stuck in my head in the last few weeks. I’ve listened to it literally hundreds of times in that timeframe and it’s still an absolute banger.
That’s why I don’t know who, those YT videos “Song XY 10-hours loop”, are for. That would make me crazy.
Not sure if anyone listens to them fully, regularly, but I find they’re great if you want to use the song as a background track for anything, without having it start and stop again repeatedly.