If your choice is draining your entire bank account to the point you can’t afford to live or suffering a credit score penalty, then the credit score should be sacrificed.
“but they can…”
Stop. Nothing they can do is worse than starving. Don’t pay them. Use your money for your own needs.
I’ve been neglecting my payments for a long time since I literally just can’t afford it. I’ve been meaning to get around to doing an income-based plan or whatever but the more I see the less it seems worth my time to bother since not only will nothing happen good but they might not even be governed employees too make the bad things happen either. I’ve basically given up on having anything in my name financially but if the United States federal government disappears then I’m home free to start fresh and whatever new system comes after, hopefully we choose something good like anarchist communism
Try getting an apartment or renewing a lease with a truly shit credit score.
Oops, you don’t qualify anymore, anywhere, your options are now homelessness, much more expensive hopping between motels every 3 weeks, or live in your car, hope you’re still making those payments.
Fairly difficult to cost-effectively cook and store food when you’re in any of those situations.
If this happens to too many people the economy will suffer. Eventually they’ll have to start ignoring credit scores. We’re rapidly reaching a point where the system can no longer compensate for the incompetencies and inequality and stuff will start breaking mechanically in ways that can’t be easily fixed or routed around
Oh, excuse me for being crippled from a mugging and then having all my bank and id cards and phone stolen and then spending a year homeless and another year bouncing from motel to motel while trying to replace my id and unfuck my credit score with 3 bureaus without a permanent address and with a broken arm and wrist and leg, whilst also being unable to afford any medical treatment.
Yep, total corporate shill over here, totally not barely alive, only thanks to barely being able to keep my details current with social security so I could at least get disability payments.
Go fuck yourself buddy, I hope what happened to me happens to you.
Doesn’t that sort of depend on your loan, though? Like if you have one that’s serviced by a loan provider, doesn’t that provider deal with it if you default?
Or is it that the provider requires the DOE to process the default?
With no DOE employees to process defaults?
Nobody should be paying a red cent.
If your choice is draining your entire bank account to the point you can’t afford to live or suffering a credit score penalty, then the credit score should be sacrificed.
“but they can…”
Stop. Nothing they can do is worse than starving. Don’t pay them. Use your money for your own needs.
I’ve been neglecting my payments for a long time since I literally just can’t afford it. I’ve been meaning to get around to doing an income-based plan or whatever but the more I see the less it seems worth my time to bother since not only will nothing happen good but they might not even be governed employees too make the bad things happen either. I’ve basically given up on having anything in my name financially but if the United States federal government disappears then I’m home free to start fresh and whatever new system comes after, hopefully we choose something good like anarchist communism
Try getting an apartment or renewing a lease with a truly shit credit score.
Oops, you don’t qualify anymore, anywhere, your options are now homelessness, much more expensive hopping between motels every 3 weeks, or live in your car, hope you’re still making those payments.
Fairly difficult to cost-effectively cook and store food when you’re in any of those situations.
If this happens to too many people the economy will suffer. Eventually they’ll have to start ignoring credit scores. We’re rapidly reaching a point where the system can no longer compensate for the incompetencies and inequality and stuff will start breaking mechanically in ways that can’t be easily fixed or routed around
Oh hey it’s the same corporate troll line again cool
Oh, excuse me for being crippled from a mugging and then having all my bank and id cards and phone stolen and then spending a year homeless and another year bouncing from motel to motel while trying to replace my id and unfuck my credit score with 3 bureaus without a permanent address and with a broken arm and wrist and leg, whilst also being unable to afford any medical treatment.
Yep, total corporate shill over here, totally not barely alive, only thanks to barely being able to keep my details current with social security so I could at least get disability payments.
Go fuck yourself buddy, I hope what happened to me happens to you.
Dude that sucks, but student loans didn’t cause that.
I wish more people understood no one can stop you if there is no one to stop you.
The problem is they’re always has been. But that might not be true in 6 months time so stay alert
I wish Trump didn’t understand that.
Fair point but if a dumbfuck like Trump understands it then it’s much sadder that others don’t.
he seems not to.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters”
– Trump, 2016
In retrospect he understood all too well, and figured it out way earlier than most.
Doesn’t that sort of depend on your loan, though? Like if you have one that’s serviced by a loan provider, doesn’t that provider deal with it if you default?
Or is it that the provider requires the DOE to process the default?
Only one way to find out.