A screenshot of two comments on reddit.
The first comment is by a deleted user and the comment has been removed. The second comment is a reply to the deleted comment and it says: “That solved it. Thanks!”
A screenshot of two comments on reddit.
The first comment is by a deleted user and the comment has been removed. The second comment is a reply to the deleted comment and it says: “That solved it. Thanks!”
Does that make a difference?
I was under the assumption that it was removed bc of the migration/protests. Would that be the case, I wouldn’t mind the info being lost. I’ve been trying to avoid clicking on (live) reddit links even if there’s the answer I’m looking for. Also, maybe using the wayback machine does the trick?
As I said in the description, this was taken last year, when the comments were a year old already. And even then it didn’t make a difference why the information wasn’t there anymore.
Yes, I had read that, hence the “I was”. Anyway, the wayback machine is still worth a try since it can go back pretty far back in time (if you are ever in that situation again, that is).