In some of the music communities I’m in the content creators are already telling their userbase to go follow them on threads. They’re all talking about some kind of beef between Elon and Mark and the possibility of a boxing match… Mark was right to call the people he’s leaching off of fucking idiots.

    1 year ago

    The problem is that is a very complex problem and even privacy minded people often get it completely wrong. They use this massive blockers and think they don‘t give away any data. In fact most of them block advertisements and trackers but in return they created a very unique fingerprint which makes it easy to track them and get the same data as if the would have seen the advertisements. Not giving away any data and making sure the fingerprint is not unique is a very rocky road with a ton of roadblocks for the use of modern conveniences. The average user shares all data that meta is collecting anyway, most likely already with meta. They have at least 3 apps that completely track them, they have a personalized advertisement id and so on. So why would they care? That is like worrying about getting wet while taking a swim.

    For every other person, they have friends that use these services and so share your contact information with e.g. Meta. They work somewhere in an office and most user accounts are name based. There aren‘t usually a ton of anti tracking tools in big corps so Meta knows what you do for a living…

    Riding the privacy wave is the wrong argument, because most people can not escape the tracking if they want to keep „a normal life“.

    You have to advertise you are better then the competition! Nobody cares about who takes less data, but most people want to be part of the „next big thing“, the cool thing or just the same experience but without advertisement. That resonates with people. Customization is often also a good entry point.