like what are the best methods to get the brain active to create something, most of the things i want to require an idea but the truth is i have nothing and im not sure how to get an idea or if its even possible for me due to my autism or how my brain works.

maybe im just being hard on myself i use to come up with so many ideas but theses days i have nothing or just half a mess that i cant seem to finish cleaning, if that makes sense.

is there a suggestion, tip, method, or something that can get my brain started. if your wondering what im trying to do i would like to make a short comic i feel if doing so i might learn something or it would be interesting. i heard sticky notes are good but i dont want a room full of sticky notes, that just dosent seem right?

    1 year ago
    • uppers and downers (at the same time, experiment what works, but NO alcohol that just makes you stupid)

    • walking (!)

    • stream of consciousness writing (NOT diary writing!)

    • focus on the process, not the result

    • authism is not an excuse, Văn Gogh had it worse than you, yet still managed to do stuff

    • messes birth miracles and sometimes works of genius. don’t disregard your messes!

    • don’t be too self critical. some people get fucking famous without ever having an original idea or talent or even working hard. Just two days ago I tried to read serotonin by houellebecq, and HOLY SHIT, here I am full of self doubt about every sentence and thought, tormented with the knowledge that I have nothing to say… and this piece of shit gets called a star and genius for his literally unreadable trash??

    • If it really doesn’t work maybe fuck it. I overcame my worst writers block by learning how to play guitar