A 9/11 families group called out TikTok on Friday over a letter by Osama bin Laden that has recently gone viral. “No American should ever not know Osama bin Laden was a terrorist who helped masterm…
i agree, the antisemitism struck me as well. but the israeli government is far right. that needs to end because it will destroy the jewish people as outside forces never could.
I mean, if people want to waste their time reading the manifesto of a terrorist, they should and least make it interesting and read that of the Unabomber.
Haha, yeah, I didn’t get the feeling you were actively promoting it.
I really wonder how this bin Laden stuff started, if it’s dishonest actors trying to discredit support for Palestine or if it’s just people genuinely being that stupid. Sadly I think both explanations are plausible.
i read all of it. not once did he call for anyone to be any religion. he noted how israel has oppressed palestinians, noted similarities between how britain was pro-wealthy against the colonists and our situation now where corporations buy the laws they want, courts side with them, and presidents are just “train conductors” who must drive on the tracks laid down by lobbyists. he mentions unending war and its costs, suggests we have a revolution like that which started out country, says 9/ll was because we sent people out to kill in afghanistan and it was still going on. he notes that tho politicians claimed it was to help afghanistan and for our own security back home, it’s really about oil and its the further bloat bloated fat cats.
a “terrorist” is someone who uses force to try to get their way. their way
s and views could be wrong or right or a mix. but there’s nothin whatsoever about a turning anyone muslim.
tl;dr he says our govt is an oligarchy, we should rebel, and he bombed us to get us to go away, and also to stop supporting israel in oppressing palestine.
For those out of the loop/who have forgotten: A lot of Christians got really into “Israel” around the turn of the century because of the weird end times native they liked. In the “rapture” idea (like the “Left Behind” books), Israel has to exist as a state (maybe with all the territory Palestine was made up of) before the rapture could happen. So they got really into Israel as a foreign policy objective, and this included the Bush Jr administration.
To be clear, though: Israel has to exist and there can’t be any Jews in it before the second coming of Jesus can happen. But the Palestinians have to die first.
The Israeli government understood this but figured they may as well take advantage of it while it was popular.
tiktok kids: “this man unal//ved h//mself”
also tiktok kids: here the full text of Osama binladen’s letter calling for global jihad uwu
I mean all the unalive stuff is due to tiktok censorship, not any principle of the kids
seggs = sex
le dollar bean = lesbian
🌽 = pornography
cornucopia = homophobia
In the words of Dril, “you do not have to hand it to ISIS”
No it doesnt
yes huh
No, it calls out lobbyists, and israeli occupation of palestine. No mention of a global jihad
I haven’t read whatever letter you guys are talking about and frankly I don’t give a fuck what it says.
Find someone better to quote than fucking Osama bin Laden. Jesus Christ.
In case anyone wants to read it:
https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ubl2016/english/To the American people.pdf
I think that’s the letter in question. It starts of talking about “Jewish control of capital,” which is like antisemitic conspiracy theory 101
that’s not it. this is the Bin Laden’s letter to america : https://archive.ph/7svAc
This is NOT the letter! I found the exact same page when I searched for it, I don’t know where this is from, but it is not Bin Laden’s letter.
If you want to find it, search for the page from The Guardian (they have removed the text but the page is still around) and use the Wayback Machine.
it’s not? who wrote it then? he refers to bombing us…
i agree, the antisemitism struck me as well. but the israeli government is far right. that needs to end because it will destroy the jewish people as outside forces never could.
I mean, if people want to waste their time reading the manifesto of a terrorist, they should and least make it interesting and read that of the Unabomber.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the type to go around posting terrorist manifestos lol. It’s only because this was in the news
Haha, yeah, I didn’t get the feeling you were actively promoting it.
I really wonder how this bin Laden stuff started, if it’s dishonest actors trying to discredit support for Palestine or if it’s just people genuinely being that stupid. Sadly I think both explanations are plausible.
terrorism is about action, not views.
You dumb fuck, he admits planning 9/11.
he does!
Then you only saw part of it
i read all of it. not once did he call for anyone to be any religion. he noted how israel has oppressed palestinians, noted similarities between how britain was pro-wealthy against the colonists and our situation now where corporations buy the laws they want, courts side with them, and presidents are just “train conductors” who must drive on the tracks laid down by lobbyists. he mentions unending war and its costs, suggests we have a revolution like that which started out country, says 9/ll was because we sent people out to kill in afghanistan and it was still going on. he notes that tho politicians claimed it was to help afghanistan and for our own security back home, it’s really about oil and its the further bloat bloated fat cats.
a “terrorist” is someone who uses force to try to get their way. their way s and views could be wrong or right or a mix. but there’s nothin whatsoever about a turning anyone muslim.
tl;dr he says our govt is an oligarchy, we should rebel, and he bombed us to get us to go away, and also to stop supporting israel in oppressing palestine.
This letter?
https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ubl2016/english/To the American people.pdf
Maybe “global jihad” is not explicitly there, but it calls for “the blood of Christians”
Edit: this may not be the right letter
not that one, here is the letter from the guardian : https://archive.ph/7svAc
right, specifically united states christians supporting the occupation and killing of palestinians
For those out of the loop/who have forgotten: A lot of Christians got really into “Israel” around the turn of the century because of the weird end times native they liked. In the “rapture” idea (like the “Left Behind” books), Israel has to exist as a state (maybe with all the territory Palestine was made up of) before the rapture could happen. So they got really into Israel as a foreign policy objective, and this included the Bush Jr administration.
To be clear, though: Israel has to exist and there can’t be any Jews in it before the second coming of Jesus can happen. But the Palestinians have to die first.
The Israeli government understood this but figured they may as well take advantage of it while it was popular.
Bin Laden? I thought you were dead!
The entire second half of the letter is about how he’s demanding that the entire world convert to Islam for him to stop blowing women and children up.