• demesisx@infosec.pub
    2 months ago

    To paraphrase: “Just because Kamala Harris is literally a puppet of banksters who want to convert the dollar to a CDBC and prosecute any potential competition (real crypto projects that are actually decentralized), allowing the government to revoke your money any time they want, you should still vote for her because Trump and Kennedy bad.”

    If the big banks had their way, any company working on crypto will either dissolve or leave this country for fear of being the next target of the bankster’s attack dog, the SEC.

    This article says that you should vote for Kamala Harris because she isn’t the corrupt hucksters Trump or Kennedy. Honestly, I don’t think any of our choices are appealing in the slightest.

    People tell me that Trump will bring about fascism. I agree. However, I also posit that what we get under this crop of Democrats is just another flavor of fascism (flagrant corporatism perhaps?) where CDBC’s (the digital dollar) are forced upon us while the SEC attacks truly decentralized projects with integrity, calling them “securities” just because they invade on the territory of their impending (and VERY centralized, fascist) CDBC.

    • MagicShel@programming.dev
      2 months ago

      I can’t imagine looking at their differences on so many issues, and then reducing it all to this and thinking this is the issue you’re going to decide on. Absolutely mind-blowingly weird to me.

      • demesisx@infosec.pub
        2 months ago

        I can’t imagine being braindead enough where you read that and thought I have made a decision. Did you even read it or did your shitlib dog whistle brainwashing kick in and cause you to reflexively/involuntarily smugly chime in here?

        neoliberal clap back

        The subject of the article was crypto. It’s a subject that I know a ton about. I spoke truthfully about how each of the pieces of shit that we’re expected to cast a vote for are aligned in regards to impending fascism.

        Edit: actually I accidentally deleted my other comment. Our discussion wasn’t THAT infuriating. I just want to express my opinion without someone jumping down my throat as a Trump supporter or reflexively downvoting me. Truth be told, I hate Trump very much but understand that it’s the power vacuum and corruption on the “left” that has allowed Trumpism to gain a foothold in the US.

        • MagicShel@programming.dev
          2 months ago

          Stifle? No. Just pointing out how odd it is to say the democratic process isn’t democracy. If you don’t like the options, go win some local and state primaries. Put non-fascist crypto folks on the menu and see how they do in the general. Push the party left. No one did that and here we are.

          Decrying that this isn’t democracy when you’re not trying to participate is a fascinating take. But also reducing it all to crypto here - no matter what direction it takes you - that’s fucking weird.

          But no, me saying you’re wrong isn’t stifling. This is a discussion board. If you can’t handle discussion maybe post these thoughts on a blog.

          Edit: I love how you reposted to say what you had to say in an even more offensive way. Like you read what you wrote and decided you were coming across to kindly and needed to throw some ad hominem attacks and such in. Sure sign of a winning argument.

          • demesisx@infosec.pub
            2 months ago

            You got a chance to participate in Democracy/vote in the DNC primary this year? That’s crazy! How did you do it?!?!?!?

            Did you cast a vote for Kamala Harris? That’s super interesting!!!

            Here I was thinking that they just installed her as the new candidate while not holding a primary because she is so unpalatable to EVERYONE that she couldn’t have possibly won a primary against ANYONE. It certainly can’t be because they intentionally tried to run a pile of barely living bones and flesh who has been pretending to run the country and has had severe dementia since 2016 because of TRADITION and finally had to admit it because even the brainwashed libs were starting to question who was behind the curtain.

    • NewNewAccount@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      People tell me that Trump will bring about fascism. I agree. However, I also posit that what we get under this crop of Democrats is just another flavor of fascism

      Can you explain to me what fascism is?

      • demesisx@infosec.pub
        2 months ago


        Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism,[4][5] fascism is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum.[6][5][7]

        I’m guessing that I have to wake you up and inform you that these things are happening with BOTH Democrats and Republicans in office. The only difference is the branding and which specific corporations benefit from having their team capture regulatory agencies. Case in point: try speaking up about the genocide happening in Palestine and watch yourself be either prosecuted or fired for “antisemitism” or try speaking up about the militarized police training facility in Georgia referred to as cop city. These are things Biden and Kamala enthusiastically support. In fact, I’d call cop city Kamala Harris’s raison d’être.

        Further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws

        Here’s a Kamala speech dripping with what I would characterize as FASCISM: https://youtu.be/McK8bPR8pzU?si=nVLjs5SjYfogmYTF

        Oh look! Yet another example of fascism: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-resolution/845

        Edit: imagine downvoting this comment. I guess it’s something that the people who think Kamala is the only thing standing in the way of fascism don’t want to hear.

        • NewNewAccount@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Not buying it. The tenets described VERY CLOSELY align with modern day Republicans and Trumpism specifically. Theres only a passing resemblance to Democrats and a few pro-Israel examples do not make a fascist.

          For those reading, don’t buy into whatever this dude is selling. It’s a purposeful misrepresentation of the ideology.

          • demesisx@infosec.pub
            2 months ago

            For those reading, don’t buy into whatever this dude is selling. It’s a purposeful misrepresentation of the ideology.


            brainwashed identity politics sheep

            Please, educate me. Where did I misrepresent anything? I simply defined fascism then added some links that clearly support my hypothesis. Your rebuttal was , “don’t believe this person. Believe me even though I offer absolutely no rebuttal in the form of facts.”

            Did you not go down that list and see that it ALSO closely resembles the establishment Democrat MO? Or are you going to pretend that you did?

            For those reading, think for yourself. This person is actually terrified that you will realize that this country has two fascist parties and that you actually have no voice at all if you’re a leftist. 😂😂😂.

            Ps. Thanks for the biggest laugh I’ve had today. What will you do when the impotent candidate that the DNC is running loses? (Just so it doesn’t blind-side you: Kamala’s going to lose and it won’t be because of sexism. She can’t even pretend to have any authenticity whatsoever…and most of her allies even know that.) We’ve had three presidential election cycles in a row where the DNC said, “the voice of the left doesn’t matter. We’re going to install our most blatantly corrupt candidate rather than allow democracy to speak through a fair primary and then shame the voters into voting for this unelected candidate instead of trying to represent the left wing of the political spectrum.” And you eat it up and ask for more!

            Our oceans are boiling and our world is crumbling as a result of rampant regulatory capture, runaway corporatism, and the corruption of our leaders and here you are fighting tooth and nail the people trying to wake you the fuck up to that fact.

  • llothar@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Crypto as currency = good.

    Crypto as investment = bad.

    First one is technological progress, the other is a Ponzi scheme.

    • demesisx@infosec.pub
      2 months ago

      Problem is, for the smart contracts to run, someone needs to profit. If crypto was stable (stablecoins) no one would have any incentive to mine or run a stake pool. Investment/greed is literally the oil that this machine runs on. It’s just a new way of paying for computation. Our current system also runs on greed. It’s just that only one party benefits from running one server.

      We already pay for server time. Now, we can pay for server time and the payment goes to many small actors rather than one rich server farm operator.

      The truly decentralized projects (non scam projects) have already achieved this and then some…it’s just that our media has a tendency to zoom in on projects that did violate trust while others hum along without a single blip, truly decentralized. They like to highlight the scam projects because our media is owned by banksters and people that benefit from the dollar. They seek to edge out their competition and love to conflate scam projects with all crypto projects. However, the reality is that there are currencies other than the dollar that I’d rather have my money stored in because I live in a country that may not exist in 20 years and I want my belongings not to be within reach of the banksters that fuck me at every opportunity.

      Scams: Funny thing is, I’ve never been scammed in the crypto world. You know how I did it? I could tell which projects were a scam from a mile away.

      There are four questions you have to ask yourself: 1.) is this project TRULY decentralized? 2.) is this project open source? 3.) were the initial tokens allocated only to insiders? 4.) are they promising a return on investment?

      FTX wasn’t even decentralized. Two seconds of vetting/research caused me to stay miles away. Terra Luna as well. They weren’t even remotely decentralized and the protocol was closed source. Whoever looked at the insane, promised 30% ROI/Y from Terra Luna and believed it wasnt too good to be true deserved to be scammed.