Degoogle, and also avoid any company with an international arm incorporated in Russia, or outside of Russia, apparently:

Google is seeking a ruling [in US and English courts] to block [RT] from pursuing its assets in foreign jurisdictions such as South Africa, Turkey and Serbia.

According to the Turkish filings, Russian courts have determined that Google owes Tsargrad 32.8bn roubles (£273m)… [the penalty] doubles every 24 hours… Russian courts had “levied unprecedented fines and arbitrary legal penalties against Google in an attempt to limit access to information on our services and as a punishment for our compliance with international sanctions against Russian individuals and organisations”.

  • [email protected]
    2 months ago

    Google makes little money in Russia and they pulled the overwhelming majority of their equipment and people out of the country. Russia doesn’t care to offer external websites. Update chrome to offer Tor out of the box while you can and ignore the fine entirely.