We’ve pretty much completely discounted astrology as having any meaningful impact on a person’s personality. But what about the seasons of the year, and the weather that comes with them? The stars position in the sky are an indication of the seasons on earth. Right? Wouldn’t a baby that is born into a world of sunshine and warmth have a different early development than one born into the cold and darkness of winter? Has any research been done on the impacts of a baby’s environmental conditions on their personality?
Being born in the winter is a risk factor for schizophrenia. Kids born closer to the end of their school year are more likely to be diagnosed with learning disabilities early in life since in preschool/kindergarten a few months are still significant in terms of development
Possibly, though seasons vary wildly across the earth, so results would likely be limited to regions, and even then, we travel around a lot and have things like electricity and indoor heating which would probably negate most impacts.
Plus, the pie is cut up into so many slices that I doubt you could tell the (consistent and significant) difference between the 20th of July and the 1st of August.
On top of that, when it comes to influence on your personality, literally one day (the day you were born) vs. the first 10-16 years in your life… I don’t know man.
A child born into winter will experience summer soon enough unless something bad happens. I’m certainly not an expert on babies and their development, but I’d think it matters little. A more interesting topic might be the pregnancy - fetal development sets the course for the next few years or even decades, I’m thinking about epigenetic imprinting. That would certainly have an influence, but since we do not have mating seasons (well, spring and december maybe) I’d wager the impact is comparably low.
You may be interested in a Epigenetics It’s a scientific field that studies environmental influence among other things.