A recent greentext post about an imaginary wife made me think of this.

Have you ever had a dream, where you fell in love with a dream character?

I’ve had at least a couple over the years that I can vaguely remember. The dreams were so vivid, and the feeling of love for this imaginary person was so strong, that I woke up feeling rather heartbroken and a sense of longing.

Anyone else?

  • maniii@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I had an entire LIFETIME in ONE night. Dream was super realistic, but it was all anime waifus. From earliest childhood memory till old age and that final darkness basically that last moment woke me up with a start. I never imagined that an entire lifetime in one night dream.

    I don’t think I ever had such an experience ever again. It was just one time. Never to happen again so far.