Initially, THC boosted brain metabolism and synaptic protein levels, indicative of heightened cognitive processes. Subsequently, it shifted towards reducing metabolic activities in the body akin to the effects seen with caloric restriction or intensive exercise, known for their anti-aging benefits.

  • Angry_Autist (he/him)
    2 months ago

    Your anger doesn’t upset me,

    I’m glad because it is mostly uncontrollable without medication and no medication works for more than a month or two.

    I’ve been seeing a therapist for years, thanks, and she has been amazing at giving me ways to deal with my EDS. And trust me when I say that I am well known to my friends and family as being a sometimes too empathic person with metric fucktonnes of compassion. Self control? Nope, and I was born that way and the first thirty years of my life was a living hell until I finally found a doctor that could diagnose me correctly.

    And trust me, typing long winded responses to people who have already blocked me is a legit part of my therapy.

    Have a day, I hope we shan’t meet again.