You have all the powers that Putin currently does. Everyone completely loyal to Putin is now loyal to you. Enemies of Putin are enemies of you. Putin no longer exists, and there has been a clean and absolute transfer of power to you. The economic, military, social and political situations are the same as they now are. You are not inhabiting Putin’s body, you are just you. You’re magically transferred to the Kremlin. The world at large doesn’t know your past life, to them you have magically appeared as the new ruler. To everyone who knew you before, you just vanished.

Edit: no one knows your past life YET. They’ll quickly figure it out. You will not lose any support based on your actions in your past life.

    2 months ago
    • Give Volodymyr a call
    • Pull out of Ukraine and Georgia
    • Hand over Putin to ICC
    • Instruct the loyalists that democratic reform is coming, and nobody is to be given the window/tea treatment.
    • Call Navalnys widow and tell her to prepare her political aparatus
    • Announce an election in 6 months (should be enough to prepare everything, I guess?) with international observers encouraged to participate
    • Realize that I have no fucking idea how to ensure that elections on that scale are free and fair, so I ask for assistance from aforementioned observers.
    • Pull an epic prank on Lukashenko. Possibly involving potatoes.
    • Realize that I am in no way fit to run a country, and start planning my (safe) exit. Once the election results are in I’ll be gone without a trace.
    • Repeal putins laws
    • Start releasing political prisoners
    • Last thing I do before leaving is calling this guy named/called Misha whether he’s fine with Murmansk, or if he wants the city to have a new name.