it was me sorry
I don’t know how to React to this.
Don’t React, just Vue?
I think we all just need a different, Angular approach
That’s a Solid suggestion
You might say he was very svelte
He certainly has a qwik thinking
Made the mistake of using react for a mobile app and my god why is it this convoluted, why are the error messages always along the lines of “something went wrong with networking 🤷”
Unfortunately I’m stuck with it now
Linux has better error messages. “Dazed and confused, but trying to continue”.
I am spoiled by dotnet and rust error messages. They tell you exactly what the problem is, where it is, and in rust’s case sometimes even how to fix it
Then there’s C with “segmentation fault”
react is better than the days when we jquery everything
Am I the only one left writing pure JS webpages? I swear for the stuff I’ve done recently, adding React or even jQuery makes things 10x more complicated and bloated. The base JS support browsers have now is actually great. It’s not like the old days trying to support every browser back to IE6
When you are writing some complex web app, you will wish you used a framework. Some web apps can have more than 50 pages with multiple states that depend on remote data to be locally cached and synced depending if you are online/offline. Framework can handle a lot of the heavy state management for you and even provide a nice UI component library. But I do agree that React is too much, but jQuery is being replaced by vanilla JS. That is why I usually use Vue. But for simple stuff, yes, Vanilla JS is pretty much good enough
I like base JS and I like jQuery. Only reason I’m using React is for native cross platform mobile/web but I’m beginning to regret choosing it for that
I assume you mean react native, not react, unless you’re using something like capacitor. React native is a far shot from react and is much more annoying to deal with.