My brother is 12 and just like other people of his age he can’t use a computer properly because he is only familiar with mobile devices and dumbed-down computers

I recently dual-booted Fedora KDE and Windows 10 on his laptop. Showed him Discovery and told him, “This is the app store. Everything you’ll ever need is here, and if you can’t find something just tell me and I’ll add it there”. I also set up bottles telling him “Your non-steam games are here”. He installed Steam and other apps himself

I guess he is a better Linux user than Linus Sebastian since he installed Steam without breaking his OS…

The tech support questions and stuff like “Can you install this for me?” or “Is this a virus?” dropped to zero. He only asks me things like “What was the name of PowerPoint for Linux” once in a while

After a week I have hardly ever seen my brother use Windows. He says Fedora is “like iOS” and he absolutely loved it

I use Arch and he keeps telling me “Why are you doing that nerdy terminal stuff just use Fedora”. He also keeps explaining to me why Fedora better than my “nerd OS”

    1 year ago

    As someone who is interested in starting into the world of linux, was having a second hard drive necessary for creating a dual boot system or were you able to do it all on one hard drive?

      1 year ago

      I will write a guide for you via editing so others don’t need to after they see this message.

              1 year ago

              Do you have a gpu in your pcie slot or do you use integrated gpu?

              Because you have a desktop, I’d recommend to use 2 separate disks. Because if you manage to break the Linux system (it might happen if you heavily tinker/customize your Linux and manage do some mistake) then you can just re-install the Linux and start again.

              If you have 2 storage drivers, then unplug the Windows drive when you (put tape and write Windows onto it) are installing the Linux. Then the computer will manage the partitioning automatically, so less work for you.

              Don’t fear the tinkering/customizing. That’s one big joy in Linux, lol. Remember to backup at least your personal files.

                1 year ago

                My desktop does have a dedicated gpu in my pcie slot. I just assume my laptop has integrated graphics with the board, its an average/below average hp pavilion from around 2018.

                I have 2 SSDs in my desktop, with one containing gaming storage and the other being the boot drive. I would prefer to experiment with linux on my laptop though, and I’m pretty sure it only has the 1 TB HDD. However, all sensitive data should be moved from that shortly so that I may have room to tinker/play around with it.

                  1 year ago

                  I recommend that you install Linux on the laptop alone! Linux will work on that hdd, but will be slower. If you can, buy an used ssd for it. 256 GB should be enough for a lot. That 1 TB hdd could serve you as a backup disk.

                  I also recommend to overhaul your laptop. Remove the dust with compressed air and reolace thermal paste (should be done every 2-3 years anyway).

      1 year ago

      Windows doesn’t like to acknowledge that other operating systems exist, so (at least from my experience) it will overwrite your Linux bootloader whenever it updates, or sometimes it’ll just do it because it feels like it…

        1 year ago

        I only have one machine left in use with a single disk shared between the two systems (a laptop) but I haven’t seen that happen for quite some time now (years really, and never on the last two laptops). And it hasn’t happened for a very long time in my main box that has several drives, where Windows gets its own little drive and Linux has the others (back when it happened, it was simpler in that case as I could use the BIOS boot manager to pick a drive to boot from). I don’t boot Windows very often, maybe once a month to run updates, and nothing much happens.
        So while it certainly was a problem at some point, I don’t think it still is.

          1 year ago

          It is absolutely possible to dual boot from a single harddrive. Don’t know about fedora, but the Ubuntu installer has taken care of that for ages now. Yes, it can fuck your windows install initially, but that is normally reversible.

          If you don’t know, a computer uses so called partitions and not the hard drive directly. Think of them as folders. Normally you have one partition which holds the bootloader information (one or two OS, or more) and then a partition for each OS. A little Programm after Turning on the computer let’s you choose which OS you want to boot.

          A lone Linux installation often has three partitions on one harddrive. One boot Partition, one for the OS and one for the home directory of all users. This way you can reinstall the OS without loosing your home directory.

      1 year ago

      I’ve read that some people have problems, but I used to dual boot (now I keep each os in a separate hard drive) without issues. Is a really straight forward process but if you get issues the online community is amazing and there are tons of docs (and reddit threads, some of them are deleted now or moved to Lemmy).

      Linux is great! I started dual booting windows and Linux Mint, tried a lot of distros (this is called distro hopping) all Ubuntu based while using primarily Windows. After a while I got tired with windows and felt more comfortable with Linux, so I wiped Windows and installed Fedora Workstation (there’s a community for ASUS gaming laptops that have a guide for Fedora).

      If you just want to get a feel of Linux, you can also run it in a Virtual Box, setting it to full screen makes you feel like you are using Linux, but obviously that comes with limitations.

        1 year ago

        I think I will definitely check out a virtual box first! My uncle actually recommended that to me at our 4th of July gathering and I thought it was a wonderful idea, I just haven’t sat down and done it yet.

        I currently have two different SSDs on my desktop- do you think that it’s possible to put a linux distro on my secondary one that I use for videogame storage without causing any problems to my videogame data, or would it be better to get a whole new drive for it? Thanks again for all your help!

          1 year ago

          Is it possible but you could run into issues. You can shrink that drive and leave space for Linux there, but be careful while setting up your partitions so you don’t accidentally erase your games data.

          Its always easier to use a whole drive so you don’t have to worry about partitions. I’ve never done what you’re describing but it shouldn’t be much of a hassle.