Charlie Kirk hates homosexuals so much that the Right Wing Inversion Principle means he must be gay too. He started a movement that acts like a support group to help keep him scared and in the closet.
I really don’t like comments like this. They imply that queer people are the cause of homophobia.
They imply that queer people are the cause of homophobia.
I don’t think it would be accurate to call someone like Ted Haggard or Marcus Bachmann or Jerry Falwell Jr “queer”, as they are deeply closeted and conformist presenting. That said, I do see the consequences of prior iterations of conversion therapy produce a group of incredibly violent and sadistic “ex” gay men.
So I might say that violence against queer people has a cyclical effect and perpetuates homophobia, in the same way that violence against women perpetuates misogyny and violence against pocs perpetuate racism. Some of the people who have had their personalities systematically reshaped through physical and psychological abuse inherit the job of abusing the next generation. They are held up as symbols of the system’s success and granted special privilege on the condition they continue the cycle of violence on behalf of the originators of the system.
But when you get behind the Ted Haggards and Marcus Bachmans and Falwell Jrs, you’ll routinely find patriarchs fixated on their genetic legacy, who see queer children as a threat to their continued line. The real root of this problem is the fixation on race science and genetic bloodlines. The extremely high opinion that Ronald Reagan or Dick Cheney or Mitt Romney or Donald Trump have of themselves and the desperate need they have for large families that will propagate their own genes leads to this ideological revulsion towards children who won’t also have large families.
Its the blue blooded aristocrat’s need for racial purity that leads to homophobia. Brutalized ex-gay converts are simply their deputies, in the endless war on their own children and grandchildren in pursuit of even more offspring.
Jesus - “He who is free of sin cast the first stone”
Republicans - “Is lying a sin?”
Jesus - “Yes!”
I mean, the conservative law makers did execute Jesus…
the idea conservatives killed jesus - it’s a fun take.
Edit: Not saying its a wrong take, lol, just never thought about it that way
I’m not sure how else you’d describe the strict orthodox religious sect that ratted him out or the oligarch governor of a continent spanning empire overseeing a conquered province who rubber stamped a state-managed torture and execution.
If Jesus were alive today, he’d be living in Guantanamo Bay.
Weird how they pull that shit out of the bible but never:
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God."
They pull that all the time, when they’re talking about the excessive taxes that innocent small business owners are forced to dodge.