Netflix subscriptions are up almost 6 million this quarter, suggesting we’re all just too exhausted to fight this stuff

    1 year ago

    If it was up to me, I would have canceled a while ago. My wife, and my mom who shared my plan will be fine coughing up the extra few dollars a month to keep it. I think forums like this get a skewed world view since they’re populated by the kinds of people that would be fine setting up their own media server and just pirating what they want, or just churning services to binge watch what they want from each one every few months. I think Netflix(and other services) know that the average user is just going to keep going, even if the price continues to rise gradually over time.

    The one thing that might tip the scales is people that set up their own media server and then share that with family and friends. I’ve got a few family members sharing my Plex, but I can also see that they don’t actually watch much. My niece seems to be the one person that will actually ask me to add content for her, so maybe it’s a generational thing where the people that have already used streaming services for a decade or more will keep going, but they’ll see a drop off of new users as they find something else.