In a statement, Biden said that while Israel has taken responsibility for her death, the U.S. government expects continued access as the investigation continues over the circumstances of the shooting. “There must be full accountability. And Israel must do more to ensure that incidents like this never happen again,” Biden said.

      1 month ago

      Really?? The Vice President of the United States, second only to the President, has no control over policies being made in the United States? She doesn’t have a podium to address her citizens and her fellow politicians to speak her mind and influence public opinion? She doesn’t preside over the senate to cast tie-breaking votes so that she can help sway decisions? She doesn’t have the ability to make a campaign promise, as the Democratic candidate for President, to stop arming Israel while they slaughter innocents?

      No, she has a lot of power to help influence decisions. She’s just scared to because of that sweet sweet AIPAC money.