You know the temperature thing you turn round from like 0 to 5 depending on how hot you want it to be? Well I think, in trying to turn it off I may have turned it too far. As the it just keeps turning but in a jerky movement and the number doesn’t change if that makes sense? Like there’s a little plastic arrow that points up at the setting it’s on, so that you know what setting it’s on. But now it’s like the whole thing is turning rather than just the plastic cover with the numbers on.

So I think (well I’m hoping cos the opposite would be worse) that it’s now turned completely off and there is no way to turn it on. But because the whole thing is turning and the numbers don’t change up or down regardless of which way you turn it, it’s possible it could be on any one of the 0-5 settings but only stuck as showing on 0.

Any ideas?


    1 month ago

    Is this for your home’s water heater? I was initially under the impression this was going to be for your car.

    If this is your home’s water heater, it is possible that by turning it off it did turn out. Some water heaters have a pilot light that needs to be lit and by turning it off, you extinguish that flame and it needs to be relit. It depends on each water heater in the manner how you will relight it, but most will have you either turn the knob to a certain point and hold a button while you light it using a match or they will provide another button you press which creates a spark which will hopefully light the pilot light. You need to be watching the pilot flame as you do this to see if the flame sticks. If it does, then you can move the dial to an on position to have the flame fully light up, almost like how a gas flame lights up on your gas stovetop.

    All this is general but these directions in between are more direct depending on your specific make and model. The best thing you can do is to either watch a YouTube video on your specific make and model to see how it’s done or look up the manual online. Also, in most cases from the many I’ve seen, they should have these written as directions on the side of the tank. They can often be a bit hard to read and follow for the first time, so be patient and don’t be afraid to re-read sections again a few times to be sure they’re saying what you understood.

    There’s no much risk involved here for the most part if you’re safe, but the taking time part is mostly because I’ve had issues pointing the dial to the correct position and it creates confusion and frustration for me. But taking time to re-read it before acting helps reduce those occurrences.