For me “How long could I get away with driving like an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE all the time before I lost my licence or had an accident.” Speed limits, red lights, stop signs… forget them all. Every day I have to drive sensibly and obey the law because without my licence I dont have a job, and every day I see at least one person driving like an absolute moron and I wonder…

  • u/lukmly013 💾 (
    1 month ago

    It would also require centuries, so it’s not as possible, but breeding people for very specific traits and features. Whether appearance, physical strength, overall intelligence, specifically being great in mathematics, great smell, great sight.

    Basically, control the evolution by favoring very specific features and outright disallowing others (like hereditary diseases/disorders) that would be unacceptable in the mix.

    Since this requires a lot of time which I’d somehow theoretically have (I know, this wasn’t in the post, but anyway…), I’d want to try yet another thing. Breeding at the most late age possible, then continuing with that and extending it. Perhaps it would lead to increased lifespan, or at least lesser effects of aging in the far far offsprings. At least physically. These experiments don’t exactly favor mental health of the subjects.

      30 days ago

      We already did this unintentionally during our natural evolution. All we really got out of it were a group of humans who can run slightly faster on average, and a group of humans who can drink milk as adults without shitting themselves.

      I imagine the timeframe to get any noticable results would be in the thousands of years, even with deliberate selection for specific genes.