Forgot what made me think about this topic but I’ve been considering this for a week or two… Curious what you all think.
When I mean “hardest” “video game”, I mean whatever game that you find objectively more difficult than all other ones on the market, as long as it’s a video game. I guess exposure to different genres/types of games can influence the answer to this question a lot so… Hence I was curious about your rationale.
I have a pretty solid answer & rationale but I guess I shouldn’t share that in the main post to bias results…
Toss up between RC Pro-Am and Ninja Gaiden on the NES. I beat them both and they were both a real bitch. So, so many times I got to the final race or stage and couldn’t do it… so you start all over from the beginning.
Games like that don’t exist anymore.
QWOP, by a wide margin
Okay that quickly went from “I think I can do this with some practice” to “what the actual fuck” to me… congrats on clearing the game
I haven’t touched classical bullet hell games since high school so… guess I should give them a try!
I’ve really only played Touhou in middle/high school… Imperishable Night was actually a really formative game for me, loved the OST and played quite a bit out of it. Fairly sure I’ve cleared this particular one on Easy, might have made to Stage 5/6 on Normal… Definitely didn’t clear Scarlet Devil on Normal because my motor were terrible back then
I should be able to clear Normal/Hard now that I’m older and more skilled. If I have the patience/time that is…
Edit: apparently I forgot how to do math and got the game release numbers wrong
That’s awesome! Loved Imperishable Night too, I played it so much along with Perfect Cherry Blossom and Subterranean Animism. As for Embodiment of Scarlet Devil it’s generally considered one of the harder games of the series
Iwbtg and all its successors and fan projects
Army Moves, Navy Moves, or any other old Dynamic Software game. You’d have to be very skilled to get out of the first stage.
The Donkey Kong tilt minigame in Nintendo Land is brutal.
The original Prince of Persia
Those damn spike traps!
The hardest one I can say I’m honestly proud I figured out are the old “Impossible Mission” games from Epyx.
They have set rules, and once you figure out all the rules, they are solvable, but the platforming elements require precision and the puzzle elements are challenging.
8-bit Souls-Like?
Longplay - 1:
Longplay 2:
I used to play the first one on the Macintosh’s on display at the store. Not sure I ever finished a level in the few minutes I always had to play when my parents were shopping. Very difficult, but fun!
Probably “Trap Adventure 2”.
Imagine an old Mario game where Bowser has the most rediculous traps set up. You need to memorize all of the trap locations as well as have the coordination to tip-toe around them to survive.old Mario game where Bowser has the most rediculous traps set up
Related classic:
Probably some of the old Nintendo games. Silver surfer is an extremely difficult bullet hell. Battletoads required insane memorization and timing, pretty sure you had to act before the game even told you in some places.
Fear and Hunger is a contender. If you aren’t aware, imagine a JRPG where you kill god at the end, but you don’t ever level up. Also the first enemy you fight is very likely to kill you, and has just as much of a chance of doing so on your 100th playthrough. Oh, and you start from the beginning every time you die.
Fear and Hunger seemed like an interesting game, until I found out the true horrors of what some of the enemies do to you, and that put me off. If you think getting your head pecked off by the Crow Mauler is bad, what if I told you that rape is a highly recurring theme in that game?
I haven’t played it myself, but I understand there are mods to remove nudity at least, and I would expect the sexual violence as well. That would be a requirement for me to try it.
Such a mod does exist, and I’d be shocked if it didn’t also remove any scenes of sexual violence.
An example of what I mean is the Harvestman, which the video doesn’t fully explain and for good reason. He not only begins the fight creepily caressing members of the party, but from the third turn onwards his attack becomes a coin flip.
Fail it, and it’s an instant game over, where you’re treated to a cutscene where the Harvestman breaks your limbs then fists you to death.
I’m gonna say Jet Force Gemini. It’s not hard in that enemies or bosses are difficult, though some were. It was those damn Tribals. You had to save every single one of them if you wanted to beat the game, and some were a pain to save without them getting killed.
Just try to play Dwarf Fortress, and you’ll drop any other opinion on this subject. Especially the ASCII version of the game, not the fancy graphical one.
Adventure Mode is even more difficult within Dwarf Fortress: I once had a fresh character start in a village and he died from blood loss while I was grinding levels by wrestling salmon in a nearby river, and it bit my characters toe off.
That’s the kind of stories only DF writes. No other game comes even close to this.
I have to admit that I have never done adventure mode, and can’t do it now as I am to busy with my other hobbies to play anything but a quick round of solitaire. But DF will always hold a special place in my heart, and I hope I can one day play the courage 1.0 version of it.
I tried to get into this game because I like Rimworld but damn is it so hard to learn. I couldn’t even get past the tutorial.
Hey, at least there is a tutorial. When I started, there wasn’t.
I can’t speak for ASCII mode. But DF is not hard, once you learn the game, unless you specifically go looking for a challenge.
The only real difficulty is just how much there is to learn about the game.
If you build defenses, never dig too deeply, and learn the basics of keeping your dwarves happy, you could play a fortress for hundreds of in game years. But that would get boring.
Having played a lot of Dwarf fortress in ascii mode as well as with tilesets, I agree with you. It’s not especially difficult to make a successful fortress. However the game is definitely obtuse, even more so with the ascii graphics. Just figuring out what is happening on the screen and which combination of buttons to press to do what you want is quite difficult.
The steam release does some work to remedy the situation though.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon with all 9 challenges active. I know there are a few people who have the game with all 9, but my god is it hard.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon with nothing active is impossible for my dumb ass
I got good enough at it that I could win with no challenges about 2/3 of the time. Hit me up if you ever get stuck.
Thank you! I’m aways stuck. My longest run is level… five? I haven’t played for a few days since I realized I can use the clock button to wait a turn, letting foes come to me and not being the first attacked.
I have so much to learn.
If you want some basic tips, here is what has worked well for me:
Surprise enemies as often as you can so you get auto hits (use doors) Focus on one character at a time until you win, then move on to the next - each one requires a different strategy Save up your enchantment scrolls until you get good weapons, armor, rings, etc. Don’t dump your enchantment scrolls into a dagger or leather armor. Hold out for a great sword, great axe, etc. and plate armor. Save up scrolls of mapping and potions of mind vision for the demon halls (last levels of the game). They are full of traps and fairly tough enemies so having maps and knowing where enemies are is huge.
I was thinking this as well most games when you beat them once you can pretty much do it every time. I still die a ridiculous amount in this game.
Such a good feeling when you finally win, though. The best I’ve managed is 3 challenges.