I have seen at least 1 meme or other joke somewhere on the platform where one also mentioned a “twink” and where that word appeared to be the punchline somehow. I’ve scrolled through Urban Dictionary a bit (haha) and the meanings mentioned there are either literal, using burger as a metaphor for the kind of person who looks like they consume burgers regularly, as a random surrogate for things that are kind of round (haha) or even that aren’t, or 1 Instance of fandom ship name for piece of media where the name of a character sounds like the word for onions in Japanese. That didn’t really get me anywhere. Did I correctly pick up that I don’t get it, or is there nothing more to this word?
I’m not going to pretend I have my finger on the pulse of ‘gays everywhere’ but I’ve never heard, read, seen, or experienced that word being used as anything other than the common usage for a food item.
Edit: You may have witnessed an attempt to make it something, but that sounds like an attempt that failed.
Milhouse is not a meme
Stop trying to make ‘Burger’ happen. It’s not going to happen
I think you may have replied to the wrong post.
It’s a reference.
Ha ha ha classic internet it’s like the old Who’s on First
Hey, I don’t know, I think it’s streets ahead.
That’s so fetch.