Mastercard doesn’t give a crap about weed, and aren’t trying to control anything. They don’t want to be a part of federally illegal transactions. They want to follow the law, because they’re a big business and it’s dangerous not to. This is simple a result of the fact that weed is federally illegal - any other move on mastercard’s part would be irresponsible at this time.
That’s why Mastercard, a credit card company is asking weed companies to stop accepting debit cards. Yessir. It’s to protect themselves. That’s why they want to stop debit cards. Because they’re clearly actually just credit cards in disguise who are hiding and Mastercard just wants to protect its tiny spy babies.
It totally makes sense that debit cards should stop with purchases at a weed store. It’s to protect credit cards. Yessir. Totes McGoats.
Mastercard is a payment processing company that processes both credit and debit card purchases. They don’t actually issue any payment cards themselves, they just want to make sure they aren’t processing payments that break federal law.
Mastercard doesn’t give a crap about weed, and aren’t trying to control anything. They don’t want to be a part of federally illegal transactions. They want to follow the law, because they’re a big business and it’s dangerous not to. This is simple a result of the fact that weed is federally illegal - any other move on mastercard’s part would be irresponsible at this time.
Yes. Of course. Totally. Mhm. Yessir. Absolutely.
That’s why Mastercard, a credit card company is asking weed companies to stop accepting debit cards. Yessir. It’s to protect themselves. That’s why they want to stop debit cards. Because they’re clearly actually just credit cards in disguise who are hiding and Mastercard just wants to protect its tiny spy babies.
It totally makes sense that debit cards should stop with purchases at a weed store. It’s to protect credit cards. Yessir. Totes McGoats.
Mastercard is a payment processing company that processes both credit and debit card purchases. They don’t actually issue any payment cards themselves, they just want to make sure they aren’t processing payments that break federal law.