So I’m trying to get my printer to a point where i can pretty consistently turn out high quality prints, but I’m at a point now where i get results like this. These two prints are from the same batch, same print job, and I’m completely clueless on how to fix it. I have an ender 3 v2 with a bltouch, I’ve adjusted the eccentric nuts, tightened the belts until the tips of my thumb and index finger couldn’t tighten them any further, bed is level, using hatchbox pla. I know i can do ironing to fix the cosmetic problem, but I’d prefer to fix the root issue if possible.
This is going to sound stupid, but don’t forget to activate bed levelling after performing the leveling measurements. Maybe this is a stupid idea but I put M29 L1 and M29 A at the start of my gcode to load the ubl slot 1 mesh and activate it. Before getting ubl I used M420 S.
I spent way too much time frustrated by bad prints before I learned that leveling wasn’t active.
I figured there might be something like this that i hadn’t seen. I’ll look into it tomorrow, i get the feeling this would cause the inconsistency.
Not sure how it works with your printer, but with mine on Klipper, after bed leveling I have to save and restart the firmware, and then I have to go back and select the profile that I just saved, otherwise it doesn’t use it.