• SupraMario@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m confused here, this isn’t the FBI going after activist…this is the FBI looking into groups firebombing anti-abortion places. This article is bullshit and I hope this place doesn’t become/r/politics, this post should be really removed as it’s not the GOP pushing for this…hell it’s bidens FBI right now, the GOP doesn’t have much pressure they can put on them otherwise they’d have pulled the plug on the trump investigations.

    Seriously read the bullshit clickbait article before you comment people.

    • Proteus@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      turns out the GOP is pushing for it. from the article… “As vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee and then-ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, respectively, both of which oversee the FBI, Rubio and Grassley were both in a position to influence bureau leadership, and it appears the bureau listened.”

      • SupraMario@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I mean no they didn’t, the writer just comes to that conclusion even after the data and their own reference expert says nothing to the effect.

        While the report doesn’t say how many of these incidents were motivated by support for reproductive rights and how many were anti-abortion

        “only after the outcry from the pro-life community did the FBI announce an investigation” into Jane’s Revenge — a small group of activists that firebombed an anti-abortion pregnancy center on June 7, 2021 — and that the attorney general “has yet to launch a wider DOJ investigation.”

        Again, the report does not specify what proportion of the cases are motivated by support for reproductive rights or anti-abortion views.

        Yea you keep telling everyone that, because it sounds like you don’t have a ton of solid evidence, of which you contradict your own source.

        “I think there has been a big push in right-wing media to drum up a fear of pro-choice violence, like they did with ‘Antifa,’” German said. “Agents are probably influenced by it.”

        So did Rubio influence it or the right wing media…I mean he’s the expert they’re using for their info and then coming to a different conclusion.

        The FBI’s abortion-related terrorism investigations jumped from three cases in the fiscal year 2021 to 28 in 2022

        Yes all this info and the writer comes up with 2 republicans who one of which sits on the Senate Intel committee…the other on the judiciary committee…what they don’t want to tell you is that Warner a Democrat holds the chair, and that the republicans on that committee are not driving the agenda…again it’s bidens FBI… what’s more interesting is that the uptick is from 3 to 28 cases…not 50-100 to 1k…no 3 to 28…take it however you want, but this article is bullshit scare tactics designed to stroke egos of prochoice Dems. (I’m prochoice btw)