Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. It’s a fantastic book about comics and visual arts in general.
Yeah I think my Dad has this book. It is really good.
No lie, if I can’t get excited to work on my car I’ll watch the first Fast and Furious movie and it gets me wrenching.
Juiceboxforyou on YouTube does this for me, watching them gets my drive back for wanting to get my nugget working again.
This video of theirs always get me inspired:
Baz Lurmann Wear Sunscreen video If only just to remind me that life is short and to carpe diem.
The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson Not for the serial killing parts. There are a few chapters towards the end of the book that detail the invention and construction of the first Ferris Wheel. Certain passages give me goosebumps. It’s a niche topic, but as an engineer and person who loves to work with my hands, reading about the genuine wonder that inventions used to bring to the public is beautiful. It makes me want to create things that people will love.
Glitch Mob’s latest album is still driving me. Not for everyone, but they really know their thing. The inspiration is half talent and half raw energy.
Amy Cuddy
epic song
Einzelganger YouTube channel
The encouraging Japanese guy harvesting asiatic clams in the ocean
Depends on what kind of inspiration I’m seeking.
This is a good one (the best one?) if you need to get fired up.