I couldn’t get a real answer to this question. Can just the layouts be reused with everything else (i.e. overall design) being original?
I couldn’t get a real answer to this question. Can just the layouts be reused with everything else (i.e. overall design) being original?
First of all, Everything that is designed by a human is copyright protected. You’re not allowed to copy an UI verbatim. It’s their intellectual property. However: The individual buttons, or offering options ‘New game’, ‘Load’, ‘Exit’ might not pass a threshold of originality. You need a certain level of creativity to pass for copyright protection. And you can do a similar design, just not rip it off. For example a medieval style is not something that is protected. You can do a medieval style if you come up with the design yourself. You cannot take their code or do screenshots and use them. So if I read your question meaning just do similar layout choices, then No. That’s not their intellectual property. Unless it’s super unique to that specific game.
Creative height is the bar for when something becomes protected (facts or obvious patterns aren’t protected), and functional features of a design aren’t protected. In general layouts are mostly functional (with exceptions) but button designs may mostly be expressive.