New Vitamin D paper
cal1.iv.ggtyler.devVitamin D: A key player in COVID‐19 immunity and lessons from the pandemic to combat immune‐evasive variants
As of July 2024
775,754,322 confirmed cases of COVID-19
13,578,710,228 vaccine doses had been administered
It is unclear why some patients develop severe symptoms while others do not,
literature suggests a role for vitamin D.
Vitamin D plays a crucial role in the infection or in ameliorating the severity of symptoms.
VDD is associated with increased hospitalization of severely ill patients and increased levels of COVID-19-caused mortality.
The mechanism of action of vitamin D and vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is well understood.
Vitamin D levels and genetic variations in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene significantly impact the severity and out- comes of COVID-19,
especially in the infections caused by Delta and Omicron variants.
Furthermore, VDD causes immune system dysregulation upon infection with SARS-CoV-2,
indicating that vitamin D sufficiency is crucial in fighting against COVID-19 infection.
Potential role as a prophylactic and treatment adjunct.
Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D
Ability to enhance the efficacy of new antiviral drugs
Large- scale randomized trials are required to reach a definitive conclusion.
Mechanisms of action
Macrophages activated to produce defensive proteins and stimulate naïve T cells
Activate T lymphocytes and mature B lymphocytes into plasma cells
Prevents inflammation, vasoconstriction, and fibrosis of the lungs.
Prevents excess release of cytokines from macrophages
Prevents excessive CRP production in the liver
Vit D can reduce viral replication
Vitamin D can protect against ARDS, the main death-causing complication of COVID-19
Seven out of nine studies reviewed by Yisak
have indicated a crucial role in vitamin D status in COVID-19 infection, prognosis, and mortality.
Vitamin D dose
To decrease the risk of contracting a new infection,
people at high risk of COVID-19 to take 10,000 IU d−1 of vitamin D for a few weeks,
followed by 5000 IU d−1 to raise the concentrations of the active form of vitamin D.
Blood levels
Levels below 12 ng/mL indicate severe deficiency.
Levels between 12 and 20 ng/mL suggest deficiency
Treatment recommended for levels below 30 ng/mL
Optimal levels are 30–60 ng/mL,
Recommended prophylactic dose
0–1 years, 400 IU/day (10 mcg)
over 1 year, 600 IU (15 mcg)
over 8 years, half an adult dose
Adults, 800– 2000 IU of cholecalciferol
Routine toxicity monitoring is unnecessary for doses under 10,000 IU/day
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He certainly did.
He got pushback from YouTube about covering studies which demonstrated the COVID vaccine, especially the first couple versions, had substantially more negative side effects than what was disclosed. He also go in trouble for quoting recommendations from studies as well. If he went rogue, it was all based in science. He was initially all in on the vax, then as more and more research came out, he was blown away no mainstream outlets were covering the new information.