By old-timey names, I mean ones that you don’t typically associate with anyone alive or younger than like 70.
Examples being:
- Burl
- Mildred
- Herbert
- Agnes
- Evelyn (not as rare at the others, but getting there)
I’ve always liked the name “Opal” but I’ve only ever known two in my life. I was like 10-12 at the time, and they were both pushing 90.
May and June. I feel like there’s a lot of younger Aprils but the other two month names seem like old lady names.
I used to know a woman named April, and her two daughters are May and June. (Both still under age 12.)
Can confirm. I know several Aprils my age or younger, but no Mays at all, and no Junes younger than 70.
Went to university with a lady named (I kid you not): April May June
According to her, her parents thought it would be “fun”.
I would guess she is about 50-60 years old now.
Verl Verna Pearl Elvin
Every time I hear “Verna” I think of Jenna’s mom on 30 Rock played to perfection by the late Jan Hooks.
My twelve year old is Evelyn. My 14 year old is Genevieve. Which is apparently still out there but I thought it was pretty uncommon when we named her.
Both pretty names! I’m particularly fond of “Genevieve.”
I suspect there are several names no longer common in the US that are more common in other countries. I think “Genevieve” is still fairly common in France, and it’s making a comeback in the states! You’re doing your part!
The difference being
My vote is for Gretchen.
As a German I find Gretchen hilarious. Not a name you’d see in Germany despite its origins.
My vote is on Brunhilde, my grandma’s name. It’s a name only 80+y olds would have, but I like it
I love Elfriede and Ute, too
My great aunt was named Ute, I’ve never seen anyone else (in the US at least) with that name.
And none for Gretchen Wieners.
I have a relative named Agnes in her early twenties. Don’t do it. I find the Texas A&M jokes to be unbearable and I’m sure I hear less than 10% of what she hears
Mildred, Evelyn, Opal all names of my aunts +3 generations older than mine. Also try Betty as a diminutive for Elizabeth, Gerald, Hank, Errol, Mabel, Jerome, and Cordelia. These all scream white Midwestern US farmer to me.
Errol is most likely to have gotten into a bit of trouble and really seen the world when he was drafted for WWII.
Sorry, I don’t understand the connection between Agnes and Texas A & M. I did a quick search, which was less than useful. Can you explain?
Also try Betty as a diminutive for Elizabeth, Gerald, Hank, Errol, Mabel, Jerome, and Cordelia.
Why is Betty a diminutive of Gerald and Hank? (Among others)
Évelyne is faily common around here still.
Gilgamesh is one I haven’t heard in a hot minute, not sure about the comeback though.
I knew a Gilgamesh! Went by Gil.
Gilgamesh is one I haven’t heard in a hot minute, not sure about the comeback though.
Not with that attitude lol. Maybe we can ease it back in as a middle name or something.
That’s certainly old-timey lol.
Roy. Ol’roy
Anything you want, you got it.
I like that one. I think I just like names that are also minerals.
I would say Marceline, but adventure Time kind of kicked that overdue revival into high gear.
The only Marceline I’ve ever heard of is Marceline Hugot. She played Kathy Geiss on 30 Rock. Yes, this is the second 30 Rock reference I’ve made in this post lol
Kathy Geiss jump scare
Find a spot for another
Edna sounds like the Karen of the 20th century
Worse. Ednas were Karens that became managers. Even if they weren’t manangers…
Have you heard the phrase “Do you want to speak to the man in charge, or the woman who knows what’s going on?”?
That woman was Edna.
No capes!
How about Wanda. I had an aunt Wanda. She was kinda mean, but she had a lot of boyfriends.
Wanda Comeover.
Wanda forever
Those are prescription only
Bless you!