This is not meant to be discriminatory. Every cat is beautiful, but which which color do you personally prefer?

I personally like orange cats or orange/white mix, but I couldn’t find one at the rescue that was set up at PetSmart so I was depressed, lonely and I was desparate for the love of cats got so I just adopted a tabby brown cat.

My least preferred colors are pure white or pure black cats, but I somehow still like a mix white/black cat. I mean, if one showed up to my door and was friendly and had a great personality, I’d take him/her in, but I probably wouldn’t be looking for those color of cats if I were looking to adopt a cat in a shelter/rescue.

Are you being a bad person by picking cats based on their color? To be honest, if there was an orange cat at the PetSmart I’d likely not have chosen my tabby brown. I kinda feel horrible for thinking this way, but I mean, it’s just like this weird feeling, this attachment to specific color cats. I just loved orange cats so much. But once I gotten to know my tabby brown, I now prefer tabby browns as much as orange cats.

Again, every cat is beautiful, but I just have weird preferences for some over others for some odd reason.

Edit: To be clear, I was looking for ANY cats, but I wanted an orange one if possible, but if not, I would’ve taken ANY cat. I didn’t care that much, I just wanted some cuddles with a warm little fellow living being.

    1 year ago

    There are individual differences of course, but cat colors do have some correlation with personality. People who work with animals often in rescue or other work often observe this. I’ve worked in rescue before and can agree.

    Ones that I can think of off the top of my head:

    • Orange: zany and spazzy
    • Black: more chatty than you expect

    There’s also nothing wrong with having a preference. People can’t adopt or take care of infinite animals, so we do need to have some way of deciding. Color, personality, expression, etc are all valid ways of choosing a pet.

    As long as you’re not discriminating against or attacking cats that’s not your favorite color, I don’t see an issue.