I diligently mute them, I’m a freak I cannot stand them. But from the nature of many people’s complaints about ads, it seems like they listen to them and want to retain the words they’ve said?
Oh yea, I mute that shit before they start.
Mute the entire TV and use the closed captions when watching the programs.
I avoid ads religiously but when I can’t avoid them I mute and look away
You’re not a freak, they’re something that you don’t wanna pay attention to but they’re literally made to grab your attention, so it drives you crazy. Nothing wrong with muting them
Commercial breaks wouldn’t drive me so crazy if every third ad wasn’t for a medication with legitimately gruesome side effects
My wife normally mutes them, but I generally don’t care enough to pick up the remote and push the mute button. I just tune them out and use it as a chance to grab a snack or go to the bathroom, or just check stuff on my phone.
I don’t watch shit with adds lol. I just recently learned that in the US Netflix, Amazon Prime and the such offer paid subscriptions that still show adds. Like what the actual fuck? Just pirate at that point, the bad sites have an equal share of adds and the good ones have none, it’s a much better experience.
i have not owned a television since I was a child and came to develop my quirky ad-reviling character trait
When I was a kid my father would always mute the ads, which was annoying to me because the images still demanded my attention and it was frustrating not knowing what they said. Now I don’t watch TV and know how to use adblockers so it’s a mute point.
A mute point or a moot point? You have (accidentally?) made a language pun there.
Ha. Mute point
I have a TV but don’t have cable, completely replaced normal TV with yt, Netflix, and anime. I use brave browser so I don’t get ads
Ads? Hmm. No, now that you mention it. I must be doing it wrong, because I never see ads.
I have no idea what normal people do, but I avoid ads at all costs. Sometimes I pay premium, sometimes I just don’t watch.
I don’t watch television in a way that exposes me to commercials. Same with YouTube and Spotify.
I fast forward through ads during podcasts assuming my hands are free enough to do so, but will listen through them if I’m driving. I don’t absorb much from them, I’d be hard pressed to recall any I heard even within the last hour. I think I’ve been hearing one on repeat lately about subscribing to a service to tell you what services you’re subscribed to; couldn’t tell you the name of the company though.
YouTube you can skip ads with uBlock origin for the normal kind and sponserblock for the embed “ad read” kind the youtuber does.
If its a State Farm ad, its definitely getting muted.
My TV lets me pause live TV, so I pause, leave the room for a bit, come back and fast forward through the ads.
DVRs are great. I don’t think they’re really a thing much anymore, I guess because of the declining popularity of FTA TV. Is this a feature that’s built in to your TV or is it a separate DVR? How long have you had it?
I’m not American. I don’t know what those terms mean. I just have a skybox.