I have a couple times. The last time was a couple years ago with someone I met online who I was getting to know but didn’t like after the first date. They asked if I felt like watching some movie and I didn’t respond and they didn’t follow up. Tbh, I probably would’ve answered if they had sent a second text. I guess I avoided telling them the truth but it stuck with me like a pebble in my shoe and I feel bad thinking about it.

    4 months ago

    I ghosted my father when I was 19. seen him a couple times since then at family gatherings but we didn’t talk. once in a while he sends me mildly deranged emails or text messages after midnight but I just ignore them. I guess I’ve sorta ghosted my grandparents too, and my aunts and uncles. though I’m not ignoring their attempts to contact, we are just mutually not contacting each other. I feel bad about it sometimes but they are miserable people and very hard to be around for me and I have to assume they aren’t too broken up about it because they never reach out.