I have a couple times. The last time was a couple years ago with someone I met online who I was getting to know but didn’t like after the first date. They asked if I felt like watching some movie and I didn’t respond and they didn’t follow up. Tbh, I probably would’ve answered if they had sent a second text. I guess I avoided telling them the truth but it stuck with me like a pebble in my shoe and I feel bad thinking about it.

  • JesusSon@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I dated a woman for a couple of years. She was cool and I was fond of her but idk we just never really went further than dinner/drinks hook up. We would go through this routine 2-5 nights a week.

    One day I got an 18-month job in another state. I told her I would be home the 2nd weekend of every month to tend to my house and she said she would miss me but at least we would see each other.

    When I left we had an emotional goodbye and she promised to call every day. We stayed in touch and saw each other the 2nd weekend of the month and things were okay. In my 5th month out there, the boss gave me a full week off. It was short notice so I didn’t have a chance to tell the ladyfriend. I just hopped on a flight home.

    I rented a car and drove over to her place. When I got there I had this feeling shit was off, so I walked over to the payphone by the mailboxes and called her. I told her what was up and that I was headed over. As I walked back to the car I watched a dude walk out of her apartment as she followed. He turned and kissed her like he had been at sea for a year.

    I got in the car and drove home. I dropped off my shit and hit the bar. I got tight as fuck and ended up going home with a waitress. The next day hung over like a mother fucker I rented my place to another friend and hopped back on a flight and spent my time off exploring my new city.

    Never talked to her again. I don’t have Facebook or any of that shit and I have changed phone numbers a couple of times since then. A mutual friend said she told everyone she broke up with me because we could do the LDR thing lol oh well.