How do I go about this? Are there any free resources that’ll help me get started?

I see people advising to start with a small project, but you need to get some basics down right? What language? How to develop it and stuff?

My only experience is some very basic C programming classes I took during school.

    3 months ago used to have great free classes, but idk if they’re free now. The language you choose depends on what you want to do. Share more details about what sort of stuff you want to code. You develop your coding skills through use, and practice. Pick a project slightly above your skill level and do it. You’ll learn a lot during that project and retain the information much more than if you were just going through a tutorial. Then pick another project slightly above your new skill level and do that too. Repeat for 20 years.

    3 months ago

    I always recommend as it helps teach you python basics, as well as learning some coding fundamentals. Its free at the website, while offering a book version you can purchase. I have been coding in python professionally for 5 years, but I started with these tutorials (after doing a non-python coding bootcamp that focused on full stack web development)

    3 months ago

    Harvard CS50 on YouTube might be a good start. Teaches python and you can then pivot to another language from there.

      3 months ago

      This is how i initially got started and i always like to recommend it. CS50x (introduction to computer science) is their college curriculum made available for free as opencourseware. Their lectures are very engaging imo, and you get problemsets to practice and check your answers. The problems are done in an online environment which i like so you don’t get bogged down in setting up your computer before you’ve even learned how to code. And then at the end you pick a project of your own and when you finish you get a free certificate (don’t bother paying for the “verified” one)

      One other thing i think cs50 does pretty well is help teach you how to solve problems and how to read documentation. The reality is that learning how to code isn’t just learning a coding language. Knowing how to solve different types of problems and how to read documentation are core skills that let you get away from “tutorial hell” and start working on a project that excites you.

  • go $fsck
    3 months ago

    One thing that has not been mentioned that will make a big difference: join an online community.

    When you get stuck or you’re confused and need to ask a question, you need to have a place you can reliably go to for that. You will also be able to see others go through their learning journey which will encourage you to keep going.

    Someone mentioned The Odin Project already, but they have a very big and wholesome community.

    My specialty is web development, but the concepts of programming is pretty universal. Feel free to DM me personally if you want some help.

    3 months ago

    To add to the list,

    It wouldn’t be the first thing to try. Get the basics down on your own machine/environment. Try this for something additional.

    CodinGame gives you the IDE and build environment in your browser, so it’s for learning/practicing/testing coding knowledge without building/deploying locally, or worrying about UI/persistence/networking etc.

    It’s filled with coding puzzles and competitions. I started where they give you animated scenarios (to look like part of a game or engine), and you contribute a small, missing unit of code to complete the challenge.

    You can choose from 25 languages, they encourage unit-testing, and there are global coding competitions and company outreach to top coders. I don’t wanna say they gamified it… but they did.

    But once you’re comfortable with those, CodinGame lets you practice different concepts & algorithms without having to come up with the bigger systems around them.

    I’ve loved it for getting back to coding after a while, tinkering with certain concepts, or trying other languages.

    I’m not affiliated with it. Just loved the idea & execution. Except for Mars Lander III challenge. That can get @#$&ed.

      3 months ago

      My journey went codecademy -> codingame -> quitting my job and going to university -> first job

      I went to University to get more problems to solve after grinding codingame and decided to overkill them and had fun while doing it. I remember Mars lander, it was really hard, hahaha.

        3 months ago

        Yeah that sounds like a good path!

        I used to love advanced math, physics and game coding, so I’ve revisited the 'Landers several times over the years (a day here and there in the middle of life/emigrating/careers).

        If you also Google for solutions to the 'Landers you’ll find people have done hardcore analysis and genetic algorithms!

        (cough like this)

        Next mission: somehow hack UE5 into CodinGame and let it sort it out.

    3 months ago

    There’s lots of options for starter projects, but I’d say a great place to start is making yourself a personal web page in html, css, and js. you can host it for free on github, neocities, or nekoweb, and its really cool to make something you can show off.

    Even if you don’t stick with html as your primary language, the web is so ubiquitous now that you’ll want to know it eventually!

    3 months ago

    Step 1 is determining what kinds of projects you want to make and selecting a language and/or libraries that will help you do that. Eg. if you want to code for the web, there’s JS. Then you can follow tutorials, and/or jump into making small projects.

    3 months ago

    Like others have said it depends on the field you want to code for and language choice. The field might inform your language choice.

    I’d highly recommend python as your first if you’re just looking to get stuck in. It’ll teach good fundamentals, it doesn’t have a steep learning curve and it has a very wide set of applications plus loads of community support. This website is what I recommend to anyone wanting to learn python:

    Good luck!

    3 months ago

    Learning a programming language , is pretty simple (didnt say it was easy)…its memorization. Maybe less so now with the advent of things like Copilot/AI assistants.

    Understanding what you’re trying to accomplish is possibly the harder part. I would rephrase your statement: “I want to learn how to build an application”. For this you can butter toast…with instructions.

    Pretend there are two people, one is the instructor and one is the toaster/butterer. There is a wall between them so one cant see what the other is doing and the end result is buttered toast. There are a couple resources; bread, butter, knife, toaster, plate.

    1st attempt the instructor says: Pick up bread, put it in toaster, take out bread and put on butter. Result: Untoasted bread, butter on hands

    2nd attempt the instructor says: Pick up bread, put in toaster, push switch down to toast, take out bread and use knife to put on butter. Result: Loaf of untoasted (did you check if toaster is plugged in?)bread with butter on both sides sitting on the counter (remember the plate?).

    See how specific you have to be about certain things? I would call this functional programming. Object oriented program takes it a bit farther in that the toaster is now classified with things like; browness level, electricity/plug state, slice/bay current occupancy, toast switch etc.

      3 months ago

      This is a great analogy! To build on these points and the analogy: I like to think of my coding in terms of inputs, outputs, and what needs to happen to the inputs to get the outputs I want: that is, inputs->how->outputs. So for this buttered toast analogy, your inputs would be:

      • toaster
      • electricity
      • bread
      • butter
      • knife
      • plate
      • operator’s hands

      The desired output: toasted bread on the plate with butter spread on one side.

      The “how” is the sequence of specific instructions the instructor gives to the operator.

      This approach is even more helpful as you start working on larger projects; as you think about a problem you’re trying to solve, try to break the overall input->how->output into smaller modules of input->how->output, and then you can use those modules (often called “functions” or “methods”) in the overall “how.” Let’s say you want the instructor and operator to prepare a full breakfast with bacon, eggs, and buttered toast. You’ll have some more inputs, of course (frying pan, raw bacon, shelled eggs, stove, in addition to the toast components), but since you already made a known-good make_buttered_toast function, you can incorporate that function into the pipeline to go from your more comprehensive set of inputs to the full breakfast outputs, and you can make separate functions for making the bacon and making the eggs. Finally, your overall program can then call your bacon, eggs, and toast functions to result in the desired output of a full breakfast.

      Now here’s where breaking the problem down into smaller input->how->output chunks really comes in handy: one day, you are tweaking your breakfast-making code, and suddenly, your overall outputs have good bacon and good toast, but the eggs wind up dumped half-cooked on the stove. But since you made nice, modularized functions for toast, bacon, and eggs, you automatically know more where to start looking for the bug: the eggs function.

      There’s a lot of good advice in the responses to this post! Overall, I just wanted to emphasize what I wish I had learned much earlier on in my career: the benefits of thinking in terms of inputs->how->outputs and modularizing sub-problems in the overall program’s “how” into subproblems that can be independently considered, debugged, and re-used on future projects. (A secret for you: those of us who have been coding for a while often don’t start everything from scratch–we’ll re-use some functions or classes we wrote in the past, tweaking them as necessary for new applications, but not needing to start from a blank text editor :) ) Learning to write applications in code is exploring a new way of thinking about problems and how to solve them, and personally, I find it very rewarding!

      I wish you all the best on your coding journey!

    3 months ago

    IT guy here, I don’t really program, but I do write scripts in Powershell and Bash from time to time.

    I mostly learn by doing, so I have a task that I need to write a script to accomplish.

    One script I often use is a tool I made to ping devices in a network range.

    This breaks down into several smaller steps.

    1. Define the start IP address
    2. Define the stop IP address
    3. Issue a ping command
    4. Repeat the ping command for every adress in the defined range.
    5. Output the data
    6. Colour code the data
    7. Make every IP address ending with a 0 be colourded in the output.

    Each step is fairly simple to find out how to solve, together they make a good script to solve the initial issue.

    3 months ago

    Start my picking what you want to do with programming. Then do a couple of simple challenges in any language like advent of code and such in python just to get your feet wet and solve some problems.

    After that you should have the main building blocks and then you scale up into making a “thingy” sized project. I personally liked making games with progression like.

    1. Text adventure
    2. Tic tac toe
    3. Another text adventure but with battles and hit points.
    4. Tetris

    Then you can start learning separation of code into modules like “This is the game and this is just how it’s shown” which applies to pretty much every application with a user interface.

    After that you have enough skill to learn anything and you can go about learning a specific skill or technology that you want to work with and you’ll be at a skill level of a junior programmer.

    Advancing beyond that I’d recommend reading a couple of books (crazy I know) that go over best practices and why they exist. You use those guidelines and get better at working with larger amount of code and then you get to mid level. During this time you should also basic rules of thumb on how long each thing takes to run, both algorithm complexity and how http requests are usually the bottleneck.

    For senior level you’ll need to gain a lot of experience and become a library of solutions and bug knowledge while also having a good grasp of tradeoffs. You’ll need to know when to insulate yourself from change and when it’s overkill to deliver the code in a timely manner while not sacrificing tomorrow.

    It’s very hard to skip any step in my opinion but reading a couple of books really helped me advance through the junior phase quickly just by knowing what solutions are out there. Books are not as valuable when you don’t have experience since it’ll stick 10x better if you encountered the problem described in the book.

    To get started just pick anything and get your feet wet. Good luck!

        3 months ago

        Clean Code, in overly idealistic and speaks like it’s the holy truth but ideas are generally good. Same with Clean architecture. The guy talks like it’s the only way but in my experience it’s just a collection of tricks you could do but maybe shouldn’t because of time pressure. One off code with a single purpose doesn’t have to be that clean and functions almost never have to be that small.

        Pragmatic programmer is also good and there are also more books on non-programming part as well.

        Still, no use reading this until you ran the gauntlet of building up basic programming skills :)

    3 months ago

    Pick a language to start. If you want to automate CAD, maybe it has an existing scripting language built-in?

    Learn the basics from the documentation. Look at the examples. Learn how to search for specific answers.

    Finally, practice a lot. Most of the challenge is breaking a problem down into discrete steps (your algorithm), which can be written in pseudo-code. The implementation of that algorithm may look different depending on what the target language is, or what library/tools you can leverage within that language. if you choose Java or Python has easy-to-challenging problems suitable for any language