Well, I have a parent that is right on the edge of dislike that I keep them in my life for the sake of family harmony. But I consider them to be a bad person that makes me extremely uncomfortable to be around.
If you had something similar, and they died, how did it make you feel?
I’m purely curious because right now I feel like I would happy that they are out of my life, but sad for my family, but overall happier. And I want to understand if I’m being naive about the hardship of losing a parent, even a disliked one.
I lost my dad who was truly a despicable person. We occasionally texted happy birthday or happy holidays, but that was about it.
When he died, I felt indifferent. No sadness, no grief, no loss, nothing bad at all. I felt about the same as a coworker telling me he lost the cheap pen I lent him. Oh well, no big deal.
Thank you for responding, while it’s not the same situation (arguably my parent is worse and will probably live a full life) this does help me feel confident with the fact that maybe I’m not naive and it really won’t bother me past my empathy for my family’s pain.