I’ve been custom designing pegboard inserts for all of my workshop items to clean things up. Figured since I release most of the things I create to various communities, these should be no different ;)
This is awesome! How did you do this? Did you already know how to model?
Thanks! I self-taught myself FreeCad, so used those skills ;) I’ve done a ton of models before that I’ve released, the most popular of which is probably https://twystlock.com/. I’m about to release the plans for my DIY smart sensors and the models for those, too.
Any tips for learning this? :) very cool
Looks nice. I’m about to setup some pegboard and this is inspiring
Realized I forgot to post the links, so if you want the STLs: https://nowsci.com/pegboard
For ten minutes, lol.
Every time I organize my tools they look like this - for ten minutes. As soon as I do a task, I find the tools need a different arrangement.
I envy folks who can keep their tools looking neat like this!
Envy maybe, but more than that I become suspicious of anyone that can keep their tools that organized. I’m pretty obsessive and still can’t maintain anything quite this tidy.
Nice! Just a tip, it would be helpful to mention the size of the pegboard, such as 1" distance with 1/4" holes. There are a few different sizes of pegboard.
Good catch, updated the site.
That’s the size I have, so thanks a ton!
I don’t mean yo undermine your design but I was recently looking for like a modular pegboard type thing and found printy panels pretty cool, https://www.printables.com/model/859807-printy-panels I am going to design something similar using that consept
Not undermining at all! That looks like a cool system, very different from a pegboard method. Good luck!