I don’t see the point of television these days, especially if you have easy access to internet. I have almost no clue of what’s happening in the world except the big global stuff, nevermind my country. We’re getting poorer, less jobs, yadayada… I bet that’s what’s going on in the news.
And I don’t watch media, I rather watch clips of movies I grew up with on YouTube.
OP, please reword to be an open-ended question.
I’ll watch a season of a show here and there but other than that its mostly just football and Jeopardy randomly…
Your public library has a ton of content for free. Music, tv, film, print… honestly, what more do you need? Just throwing that out there.
You mean broadcast TV? Yes.
But TV is just another part of the internet now.
I still watch scripted, episodic, video content and get my news, local; national; and world, from the internet.
Same here. I’ve never watched broadcast or cable TV since I moved out of the college apartments. But I’ve gone in and out of watching shows, whether they were normal tv shows on dvd, YT series, streaming, or shows from 🏴☠️. And I’ve always got my news from the internet or local papers when they still existed.
Yeah 25 years ago.
Me too. I have no idea what’s on TV now.
You can just tailor what you want to see. That’s the point of having internet on your TV.
Haven’t had an aggregate antenna connected to my TV for… 17 years.
Haven’t missed a single thing of worth. Can pick and choose from the net
You mean broadcast tv? Only for sports. Cut the cable years ago. Streaming and piracy only, now. There are some amazing shows available right now. Don’t watch the news.
What are your favorite shows to watch?
I stopped watching TV a few years ago. It wasn’t a conscious choice. I just didn’t find it interesting.
I do still follow current events. There are much better sources of information than TV news.
I watch the morning news with my hubs, then pretty much play video games. RPGs to be precise.
I’d much rather be part of my entertainment than merely a spectator.
Yes! Agency!
Actual TV? Hell fucking no.
TV Shows? Sure, I’ll #yaRrr it from the 🏴☠️’Bay and watch it. No Netflixes or crazy subscriptions, I’m broke, lmfao.
Although, I haven’t found any thing new in the past few months, so I just watch youtube videos and sometimes download old TV shows / Movies I watched for nostalgia, and maybe catch some minor details I missed.
Soooo, question on searching the __Bay: Suppose the title of a movie or show has an apostrophe or hyphen. I get little to no search results if I write it out verbatim. What’s the trick? Example: A Bug’s Life
I’m convinced it’s something easy, I’m just ootl. Thanks in advance.
Not sure what you meant
I think you just have type out every combination
Using your example, keep trying
- A Bug’s Life
- A Bugs Life
- A Bug-s Life
- A_Bug’s_Life
- A_Bugs_Life
- A_Bug-s_Life
If you don’t find it, someone might have not uploaded it. How popular is it?
I don’t think those matter anyways, for example “Steins;Gate” is the official name, but when I input the search term “Steins Gate” the official title with the ; shows up too.
You might be on the wrong _Bay site
official site ends with .org btw
replace [DOT] with an actual dot
and the word 🏴☠️ is singular, not plual, so don’t add an “s” for no reason.
Thanks. I’m referring to tpb.party which redirects to the .org. I prefer their .onion address but sometimes it’s offline. And hard to find. tpb.party sounded sketchy as hell, but it’s been working for me since finding it a few months ago.
I’ll have to get back to you irt what exact movie I was searching for, just that my output was No Search Results if I typed the title out verbatim.
Thanks! I’ll report back if it comes to mind again.
Also [email protected] might be able to help (community blocked by lemmy.world so you’ll need another instance)
That’s not the real site, and it doesn’t redirect to the real site either, look at the url on the top of the browser bar… that stays the same, the logo is copied from the real one, its just a fake mirror, and probably doesn’t show up everything as it would on the real site.
Ugh. Missed that. I’ll caution my friends against it. It does serve up content, and I have successfully downloaded torrents from it. Strange but now my own sense of OPSEC is shit.
I am still new to Lemmy, thought world was the best instance. Guess I was wrong there, too. Thanks again! Such a helpful community.
Here’s a new one for you. It’s by Tina fey, it’s called Girls5Eva
I haven’t been able to watch broadcast TV in decades. The commercials were making me physically ill. Too much flash flash between them with sudden volume changes.
As for news, it’s easier and faster to read, plus I can deep dive on anything interesting. For everything else, there’s streaming or piracy.
I’m trying to watch Earth Abides for free and I’m getting gutfucked with popup ads. How do you do it?
Not my kinda show, but I’d just take a sub to mgm for a month if I really liked the show. Otherwise it’s a trip to the torrent farm. Honestly I really have to want to see a show for it to be worth dealing with the bay. There’s just way too much for free, or already on a cheap stream, to keep me distracted.
How are you still browsing the internet without an adblocker?
My phone is the usual culprit… on desktop I use uBlock Origin
If you’re on Android, then Firefox can indeed have uBlock Origin there too
The dynamic range wars totally rat fucked music but for some reason Television never even attempted to catch the Ads. The volume swings are fucking nauseating. But any show worth watching will still have a DVD release.
TV ad volume is an intentional problem. They went all out to stop auto volume controls from being put into TV’s.
it’s like they don’t want an audience at all. or you know they want an audience that will put up with the most egregious shit possible … probably why they pump out reality TV ad nauseam. Shit was good for a single season at best, once everyone knew what was up it stopped being reality and thus interesting.
I’ve been living completely without TV until recently, but after finding out that things on TV is worthless, I stopped watching it.
I’m surprised many of you still watch TVs. Maybe the quality of contents is different between countries. In my country, TV sucks.
I have. If there something that is really good I wait to hear about it from word of mouth then totally find a “legitimate” source for it.
Yeah I haven’t owned a television in years