Getting my work done
Suck it up and go ride a bike when I REALLY don’t feel like it.
Brushing your teeth
Yeah. Stretch and walk a mile a day.
Doing more learning.
Sleep adequately. Don’t let social norms interfere with how you were biologically designed.
Go before you leave the house.
I’ll start with:
Take a stretch and hike for a bit every hour or so, you’ll save your back and lungs
Wow that looks totally photo realistic. 😮
Put 10% of your net pay into a low fee index fund.
Fuck my future self. He’s just the inevitable form of past self, and he’s an asshole. He’s always putting present me in terrible situations.
Direct Deposit some money aside for savings before you even see it in your account.
Beat cancer
Work out. I’ve gotten heavier this year because I stopped going to the gym. I need to remember I can work out at home.
Actually follow the deadlines I set for myself for online school.