Keeping up appearances at all costs accumulates moral debt and leads to monumental failures down the line. Everyone knows the senile boss is about to make another mistake, but the nail that sticks up gets hammered down, so everyone shuts up until bankruptcy and suicides.
My hot take: saving face and thinking that winning by cheating is the same as winning are toxic culture traits
Clarify please
Keeping up appearances at all costs accumulates moral debt and leads to monumental failures down the line. Everyone knows the senile boss is about to make another mistake, but the nail that sticks up gets hammered down, so everyone shuts up until bankruptcy and suicides.
Lol are you not familiar with Asia / West Taiwan?
One might assume they aren’t, since they asked someone to clarify. How nice of you to laugh at them instead of answering the question.
Lol are you not familiar with Americans / Superiority Complexes?
Tell us about them, tell us how much better we are than you.
Um, I was just doing a copypasta replacement of the grandparent post.
I do not have not finalized my dissertation on The Complexities of the American Ego: An Examination of Ignorance Fueled Bravado.