Funded within 5 minutes, soulscircuit are clearly onto a winner here with their upcoming Pilet open source modular mini computers powered by the Raspberry Pi 5.
By outright piracy ofc. They include a shoddy SD card full of ROMs, but you can and should use your own card (for longevity) with your own ROMs (for legal reasons…)
The R36S is a “dirt cheap” Linux retrohandheld you can get pretty much everywhere. No built-in WiFi though, which limits usability quite a lot.
Do you happen to know how they are able to provide all those retro games? I can’t imagine they licensed that many games.
By outright piracy ofc. They include a shoddy SD card full of ROMs, but you can and should use your own card (for longevity) with your own ROMs (for legal reasons…)
I got my daughters that an I regret it… Should have brought it for myself…
Now jodes aside. Is incredible for the price.
My biggest complaint is that their complimentary ROM collection doesn’t have any of the Patapon games. I put mine in and now it’s perfect :D